Tools for managing DreamHost hosting
Wordpress Backup to DreamObjects
Script name: wordpress-backup.sh
This is a quick and easy script to backup a large wordpress site (files and database) from the command line.
Many backup plugins that save to buckets can't work with files over 2G or a lot of files (eg BackupBuddy) and fail.
This script can backup large file sets and databases to DreamObjects or S3 buckets.
Backs up Wordpress to DreamObjects bucket from a Dreamhost VPS:
- Wordpress Files directory
- Wordpress Database
- Dreamhost VPS
- WP-CLI: wp
- AWS Command Line tools: awscli
Runs as a bash shell script designed to be called from a cron job
Set the following variables to use:
- SITENAME="website.com"
- S3BUCKET="bucketname"
The SITENAME variable should match the name of the directory where wordpress is installed.
Make sure the script is executable: chmod +x wordpress-backup.sh
Reverse Proxy Cache nginx conf
This is a useful conf to provide reverse proxy with caching for a S3 or DreamObjects bucket.
It runs well on a micro cloud compute instance:
- Reverse caching proxy for DreamObjects or Amazon S3 bucket with CloudFlare etc
- Works with partial content videos to cache on Cloudfront
- Prevents hotlinking to bucket content.
To use:
- Update with bucket URL.
- Replace example.com entries with websites that are allowed to include content.
- Use "nginx service reload" after changes.
There is a good general resource here: