Tieto Basic Python Training


Welcome to the training repository! We will publish course materials and track all the progress here. We are only tutoring people from Tieto, but the materials are free to use.

We will introduce you to the process of using source control in lesson zero. Please follow the instructions carefully, to make our work easier.

For any questions or remarks, or any communication related to the course use Slack at tieto-comp-dev.

Rules of Engagement

  1. For enrollment contact Marina or Magda (using Slack, of course).
  2. The schedule:
    1. The course starts on February 13th 2018.
    2. Each week we will provide a final version of one lesson and a set of exercises.
    3. All future lessons are already available, but may change yet.
    4. You have two weeks since then to create a pull request with solutions.
  3. The expectations:
    1. We expect most of the learning to happen during review process.
    2. The exercises were estimated to take about 4 hours per week (give us feedback).
    3. Aim for constant effort each week, solve all the exercises.
    4. If you can't solve all the exercises, don't give up and deliver partial solution.
    5. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Don't take the reviews personally.
    6. We assume you want to learn. The more you code unaided, the more you will understand.
  4. The baseline:
    1. We will track your progress.
    2. We reserve the right to stop reviewing your code, if you don't deliver.

We hope you will have a lot of fun learning!

The Scope

Not in scope / proposals for next levels

  1. virtualenv,
  2. network / web frameworks,
  3. generators,
  4. requests,
  5. multithreading and multiprocessing,
  6. subprocesses
  7. itertools, map, filter, reduce

Reference materials