
xtend libraries for SWT

Primary LanguageJava


xtend libraries for SWT, SWT + Xtend

This project is maintained, however but it is not opend. Currently this project is used by my other projects internal purpose. Eventually, When I think APIs are stable enough, I will publish documets about this project.

Here are some hint that explains what SWTend is:

Builder Pattern to create SWT UI

var ui = newComposite[
  layout = newGridLayout[
    numColumns = 2
    layoutData = FILL_HORIZONTAL[
      horizontalSpan = 2
      text = "Root"
      newTreeItem[text = "Sub"]
      newTreeItem[text = "Sub"]
      text = "Push Me!"
      onSelection = [
        println("Hello World!")

Geometry Extension

  var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10) // SWT Rectangle
  rect.contains(5, 5)     // true
  rect.copy()             // clone
  rect.translate(new Point(10, 10))

Custom Controls

  • ColorPicker
  • ColorWell

Auto Dispose

var shell = ...
var Image img = ...

// img will be disposed when shell is disposed
// same with "shell.chainDispose(img);"

shell.onPaint = [
  // red will be disposed next event loop
  var red = new Color(display, 255, 0, 0).autoDispose()
  gc.background = red;