Crossbeam RFCs

This is the repository where proposals for substantial changes to Crossbeam can be discussed. Such proposals take the form of a written document and end with a consensus among the following Crossbeam team members:

Such proposals (RFCs: requests for comments) can also become a very useful form of documentation.

Everyone is welcome to submit new RFCs and participate in existing RFCs.

For real-time collaboration we hang out in the IRC channel (#crossbeam at

How to submit a RFC

  1. Copy into text/
  2. Write the document and fill in the blanks.
  3. Submit a pull request.

Timeline of a RFC

  1. A RFC is submitted as a PR.
  2. Discussion takes place, and the text is revised in response.
  3. The PR is merged or closed when all of the members reach consensus.

What benefits from the RFC process?

  • Very large sets of changes.
  • Discussions that are too difficult to track without an elaborate and evolving document.
  • Hard decisions that need careful analysis and consensus in order to unblock other things.

What doesn't benefit from the RFC process?

  • Bug fixes.
  • Documentation changes.
  • Simple and uncontroversial changes.
  • Experimental, fast-moving Crossbeam subprojects.