
hitchhikers guide to writing useful and modern bash scripts

hitchhikers guide to writing useful and modern bash scripts


This is intended to be a community driven bash style and best practice guide. There are a lot of blog posts and articles out there, but they do not always agree on certain issues, and mostly lack hints and best practices to achieve a specific goal (e.g. which userland utilities to use, which built-ins can be used instead and which userland utilities you should avoid at all cost). It's not that difficult to figure out a common strategy. so here it is.

please participate: fork this repo, add your thoughts and experiences and open a pull request!

here's how you write bash code that somebody else will actually understand, is unit testable and will work in different environments no matter what. please read the mentioned articles, you will not regret it. furthermore people that will have to work with or maintain your scripts will not hate you in the future.

general documentation, style guides, tutorials and articles:
linting and static analysis:
unit testing:

common mistakes and useful tricks

never use backticks





backticks are not POSIX compliant. they also cannot be nested without being escaped (which looks just insane):

$(call_command_in_subshell $(different_command $(yetanother_as_parameter)))

multiline pipe

instead of:

ls ${long_list_of_parameters} | grep ${foo} | grep -v grep | pgrep | wc -l | sort | uniq


ls ${long_list_of_parameters} 
    | grep ${foo} 
    | grep -v grep 
    | pgrep 
    | wc -l 
    | sort 
    | uniq

overusing grep and grep -v

please never do that. there's almost certainly a better way to express this.

for example:

ps ax | grep ${processname} | grep -v grep 


pgrep ${processname}

using awk to print an element

stackexchange is full of this behavoir:

${listofthings} | awk '{ print $3 }' # get the third item

use bashisms instead:


don't use seq for ranges

use {x..y} instead!


for k in {1..100}; do 
    $(do_awesome_stuff_with_input ${k})

the built-in range expression can do much more, see: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/expansion/brace#ranges

dealing with timeouts

The GNU coreutils program timeout(1) should be used to timeout processes: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/timeout-invocation.html

caveat: timeout(1) might not be available on BSD, Mac OS X and UNIX systems.

use printf instead of echo

the bash builtin printf should be preferred to echo where possible. it does work like printf in C or any other high-level language, for reference see: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/commands/builtin/printf

bash arithmetic instead of expr

bash offers the whole nine yards of arithmetic expressions directly as built-in bashisms.


for reference see:

never use bc(1) for modulo operations

it will come to hurt you, trust me.

bc(1) does not properly handle modulo operations most of the time: https://superuser.com/questions/31445/gnu-bc-modulo-with-scale-other-than-0

using sockets with bash

although i do not really recommend it, it's possible to do simple (or even complex) socket operations in bash using the /dev/tcp and /dev/udp pseudo-devices: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/redirection


function recv() {
   local proto=${1} # tcp or udp
   local host=${2}  # hostname
   local port=${3}  # port number
   exec 3<>/dev/${proto}/${host}/${port}
   cat <&3

function send() {
   local msg=${1}
   echo -e ${msg} >&3


you may consider using nc (netcat) or even the far more advanced program socat:

FIFO/named pipes

if you do not know what a named pipe is, please read this: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/howto/redirection_tutorial


disown is a bash built-in that can be used to remove a job from the job table of a bash script. for example, if you spawn a lot of sub processes, you can remove one or multiple of these processes with disown and the script will not care about it anymore.

see: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#index-disown

basic parallelism with coproc and GNU parallel

usually people use & to send a process to the background and wait to wait for the process to finish. people then often use named pipes, files and global variables to communicate between the parent and sub programs. coproc can be used instead to have parallel jobs that can easily communicate with each other: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/keywords/coproc

another excellent way to parallelize things in bash is by using GNU parallel: https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/parallel_tutorial.html

trapping signals and failing gracefully

trap is used for signal handling in bash, a generic error handling function may be used like this:

readonly banner="my first bash project >>"
function fail() {
        # generic fail function for bash scripts
        # arg: 1 - custom error message
        # arg: 2 - file
        # arg: 3 - line number
        # arg: 4 - exit status
        echo "${banner} ERROR: ${1}." >&2
        [[ ${2+defined} && ${3+defined} && ${4+defined} ]] && \
        echo "${banner} file: ${2}, line number: ${3}, exit code: ${4}. exiting!"
        # generic clean up code goes here (tempfiles, forked processes,..)

        exit 1
} ; trap 'fail "caught signal"' HUP KILL QUIT
do_stuff ${withinput} || fail "did not do stuff correctly" ${FILENAME} ${LINENO} $?

you don't need cat

sometimes cat is not available, but with bash you can read files anyhow.

batterystatus=$(< /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status)
printf "%s\n" ${batterystatus}

use getopt for command line parameters

echo "This script is: "${0##/*/};

[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && {
	# no arguments
	echo "No options given: $OPTIND";
	exit 1

log=; # numeric, log
table=; # single fill
stores=( ); # array

# : after a letter is for string into parameter
while getopts ":dhls:t:" opt
	case $opt in

			set -x;
			echo "Help page";
			exit 0;
			if [ -z "$table" ];
			(( log++ ));

		\? )  echo -e "\n  Option does not exist : $OPTARG\n"
			echo "One option"; exit 1   ;;

	esac    # --- end of case ---

# set debug if log is more than two
[[ $log -gt 2 ]] && {
	set -x

[[ "$log" == '' ]] && unset log

final remarks

this will (hopefully) be extended by the community and myself over time.