
Encryption using Crypto AES and Collection Hook

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meteor Server Encryption

Server side collection field encryption using Crypto AES and Collection Hook

Please refer to History.md for a summary of recent changes.

Getting Started


meteor add escu:encryption

Encrypt Collection

Specify your collection and fields to encrypt.

var TestCollection = new Mongo.Collection('test');

Meteor.startup(function() {
  if (Meteor.isServer) {
    EncryptCollection(TestCollection, ['field1', 'field2']);

Decrypt Collection

Specify your collection and fields to decrypt.

Meteor.startup(function() {
  if (Meteor.isClient) {
    DecryptCollection(TestCollection, ['field1', 'field2']);

Supports sub fields

Can encrypt/decrypt sub fields up to 4 level.

    EncryptCollection(TestCollection, ['field.field', 'field.field.field']);
    DecryptCollection(TestCollection, ['field.field', 'field.field.field']);


  • Fields with array values not supported.

Encryption options


By default package has its passphrase littleRabbitJumper123. I recommend to define your own.


Important: Should be defined on both server and client.


  • John Edward Escuyos (jeescu)