
Boilerplate framework for Web, API and Visual testing using Playwright

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Playwright Automation







PRs Welcome


A boilerplate framework that helps you to write automation tests for UI, REST API, GraphQL and Visual E2E.

Table of contents

Installing Dependencies

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  1. Clone the Github repository

git clone https://github.com/jeeshan12/PlaywrightAutomation.git

  1. Run below command in terminal to install the node dependencies locally

npm ci


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Custom utility for GraphQL

performGraphQLOperation(apiRequestContext: APIRequestContext, graphQLOptions: GraphQLOptions, testInfo: TestInfo)

Params Description
  • apiRequestContext: This API is used for the Web API testing. This is passed as a fixture to this method call.

  • testInfo: It provides information about currently running test. This is used to attach additional details to the report.

  • graphQLOptions: This is an interface GraphQLOptions which provides strutcure to our Graphql query options.

graphQLOptions: GraphQLOptions

export interface GraphQLOptions extends ReportOptions{

url: string;

query: string;

queryVariables?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };

headers?: { [key: string]: string };


ReportOptions is common interface to all API calls.

export interface ReportOptions {
attachRequestToReports?: boolean;
attachResponseToReports?: boolean;
options description required
query graphqlQuery Y
queryVariables graphqlVariables N (optional)
url endpoint Y
headers headers to pass for request N (set to "Content-Type": "application/json" Accept: "application/json"by default) (optional)
attachRequestToReports Attach request to the reports N
attachResponseToReports Attach response to the reports N

Custom utility for Rest API

performGetOperation(apiRequestContext: APIRequestContext, testInfo: TestInfo, getOptions: GetMethodOptions)

Params Description
  • apiRequestContext: This API is used for the Web API testing. This is passed as a fixture to this method call.

  • testInfo: It provides information about currently running test. This is used to attach additional details to the report.

  • getOptions: This is an interface GetMethodOptions which provides strutcure to our Rest API call.

getOptions: GetMethodOptions
export interface GetMethodOptions extends ReportOptions {
url: string;
headers?: { [key: string]: string };
params?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };
options description required
url endpoint Y
headers headers to pass for request N (set to "Content-Type": "application/json" Accept: "application/json"by default) (optional)
params query params N (optional)

performPostOperation(apiRequestContext: APIRequestContext, testInfo: TestInfo, postOptions: PostMethodOptions)

Params Description
  • apiRequestContext: This API is used for the Web API testing. This is passed as a fixture to this method call.

  • testInfo: It provides information about currently running test. This is used to attach additional details to the report.

  • postOptions: This is an interface PostMethodOptions which provides strutcure to our Rest API call.

postOptions: PostMethodOptions
export interface PostMethodOptions extends ReportOptions {

url: string;

headers?: { [key: string]: string };

params?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };

data?: string | Buffer | Serializable;

form?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };

multipart?: {

[key: string]:

| string

| number

| boolean

| ReadStream

| {

* File name

name: string;

* File type

mimeType: string;

* File content

buffer: Buffer;




options description required
url endpoint Y
headers headers to pass for request N (set to "Content-Type": "application/json" Accept: "application/json"by default) (optional)
params query params N (optional)
data request body Y (either one of three is required data, form or multipart)
form request form data Y (either one of three is required data, form or multipart)
multipart request file upload data Y (either one of three is required data, form or multipart)

performPutOperation(apiRequestContext: APIRequestContext, testInfo: TestInfo, putOptions: PutMethodOptions)

Params Description
  • apiRequestContext: This API is used for the Web API testing. This is passed as a fixture to this method call.

  • testInfo: It provides information about currently running test. This is used to attach additional details to the report.

  • putOptions: This is an interface PutMethodOptions which provides strutcure to our REST API call.

putOptions: PutMethodOptions

export interface PutMethodOptions extends ReportOptions {

url: string;

headers?: { [key: string]: string };

params?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };

data?: string | Buffer | Serializable;

form?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };

multipart?: {

[key: string]:

| string

| number

| boolean

| ReadStream

| {

* File name

name: string;

* File type

mimeType: string;

* File content

buffer: Buffer;



options description required
url endpoint Y
headers headers to pass for request N (set to "Content-Type": "application/json" Accept: "application/json"by default) (optional)
params query params N (optional)
data request body Y (either one of three is required data, form or multipart)
form request form data Y (either one of three is required data, form or multipart)
multipart request file upload data Y (either one of three is required data, form or multipart)

performDeleteOperation(apiRequestContext: APIRequestContext, testInfo: TestInfo, deleteOptions: DeleteMethodOptions)

Params Description
  • apiRequestContext: This API is used for the Web API testing. This is passed as a fixture to this method call.

  • testInfo: It provides information about currently running test. This is used to attach additional details to the report.

  • deleteOptions: This is an interface DeleteMethodOptions which provides strutcure to our REST API call.

deleteOptions: DeleteMethodOptions

export interface DeleteMethodOptions extends ReportOptions {

url: string;

data?: string | Buffer | Serializable;

form?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };

headers?: { [key: string]: string };

multipart?: {

[key: string]:

| string

| number

| boolean

| ReadStream

| {

name: string;

mimeType: string;

buffer: Buffer;



params?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean };


options description required
url endpoint Y
headers headers to pass for request N (set to "Content-Type": "application/json" Accept: "application/json"by default) (optional)
params query params N (optional)
data request body N (optional)
form request form data N (optional)
multipart request file upload data N (optional)


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We will be using Page object Model and Page components to design our tests. Pages are maintained under pages folder and Page components are maintained under pagecomponents. To get more information on Page Object, refer to this beautiful article Page Object by Martin Fowler.


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Test fixtures are used to establish an environment for each test, giving the test everything it needs and nothing else. Test fixtures are isolated between tests. With fixtures, you can group tests based on their meaning instead of their standard setup. More information about fixtures can be found on official documentation here.

Here is another blog for Playwright fixtures.


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Specs are written under tests folder.

Rest API tests can be found under tests/api folder.

GraphQL tests can be found under tests/api folder.

Web tests can be found under tests/web folder.

Visual tests can be found under tests/web folder. While writing the visual tests, don't forget to add @visual tag. As this is used to differentiate between normal web tests and visual tests. We will be using grep CLI option to run our tests.


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Tests can be executed either via command line or from Playwright test runner plugin in VS code.

  1. Run below command to run the different tests
  • To run the UI tests

npx playwright test --project chromium --grepinvert /visual/

  • To run the api tests

npx playwright test --project api

  • To update snapshots for visual tests

npx playwright test --project chromium --grep /visual/ --update-snapshots

  • To run the visual tests

npx playwright test --project chromium --grep /visual/


You can run the tests using Docker as well. For this you should have docker installed on your machine.

To run with docker

You need to run shell script playwright-image-version.sh . Make this file executable by running

chmod +x playwright-image-version.sh

And then run

sh playwright-image-version.sh

It will create a image with name jeeshan/playwright-automation. You can run docker images command to see the built images.

If you want to chnage the image name, you can change this in shell script

docker build -t <<imageName>> -f Dockerfile --build-arg PW_VERSION="v$VERSION" .

<<imageName>> is the name of the image. Generally your dockerusername followed by the name of the image. It's not mandate but a good practice to name your image like this.

  1. Once image is build you can now execute the tests in container by running the below command
  • For API

docker run --rm jeeshan/playwright-automation npx playwright test --project api

  • For Web

docker run --rm jeeshan/playwright-automation npx playwright test --project chromium --grepinvert /visual/

  • For Visual

docker run --rm --ipc=host -v $PWD:/app jeeshan/playwright-automation npx playwright test --grep visual --project chromium --update-snapshots

Above commands will automatically removes the container after execution.

To remove all the stopped containers you can run the command docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)


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I have used monocart-reporter Monocart to generate the HTML reports. After execution is done you can open monocart report by running the command

npx monocart show-report <<path-to-index.hmtl>>

You can see the path of the report here.

Suppose you are running different projects or tests are running over different shards then multiple html files will be generated. You can combine multiple reports into on by running the command

npm run merge-reports

merge-report.js will combine multiple html files into single file. Merged HTML Report


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Tests runs on Github actions for every commit to the main branch and whenever a PR is created.

Update Snapshots

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In order to update the snapshots locally from docker conatiner, first you need to build the docker image by running the shell command

sh playwright-image-version.sh

This will create a docker image with name jeeshan/playwright-automation. If you want, you can change the image name in shell script playwright-image-version.sh.

Once image is built you can update the snapshots from the docker conatiner by running the command

docker run --rm --ipc=host -v $PWD:/app jeeshan/playwright-automation npx playwright test --grep visual --project chromium --update-snapshots

After the above command is executed, you can see the snapshot in your local repository under tests/web/__screenshots__/linux folder.

For debugging purpose, you can run the container in interactive mode. For this you can use -it flag and override the command with /bin/sh

docker run -it --rm --ipc=host -v $PWD:/app jeeshan/playwright-automation /bin/sh

Above command will open up the terminal in your running conatiner. Now you can run any command to perform the operations inside the conatiner.

Running the visual tests inside the docker the conatiner

You can run the visual tests in docker container by running below command

docker run --rm --ipc=host -v $PWD:/app jeeshan/playwright-automation npx playwright test --grep visual --project chromium