
  • You need Java 8 to run demo.
  • project uses spring boot and gradle build tools.
  • you can run "./gradlew bootrun" command, it will start server with end point http://localhost:9090/searchFlights/{origin}/{destination}
  • if you face error while starting server change port No (default 9090), to different one in the file "/src/main/resources/".


  • SearchFlightController - Spring RestController which expose one method for serving request.
  • FlightRepo - bean provide sorted resut from datasource classes.
  • DataFileReader - abstract class define method to read object from file.
  • Flight - model class for holding flight details.
  • Utils -define static method for datetime format and conversions.
  • DataProvider1,DataProvider1,DataProvider1 - classes parse data specific format.
  • provider1.txt,provider2.txt,provider3.txt - stored data different format.

This can be easily extended by adding more format.