
Some experiments around AI done for school

Primary LanguageClojure

# Welcome


- Install the clojure cli tools
  Clojure only works on POSIX systems (easily).
  in this case you will need to either have a linux machine, or a mac
  Follow the instructions on [the clojure install
  I will provide simplified instructions
- Install Java. 
  Java versions 8, 11, 17 and 21 are all officially supported. but interim
  releases are also said to work. 
  What is needed for the `java` executable to be on your `$PATH` and
  `$JAVA_HOME` to be set. both of these things can be done by package managers.

## Mac
On a Mac with [brew](https://brew.sh/) you can use the `brew` command like

``` shell
brew install clojure/tools/clojure

There is also an install script made for POSIX systems

``` shell
curl -L -O https://github.com/clojure/brew-install/releases/latest/download/posix-install.sh
chmod +x posix-install.sh
sudo ./posix-install.sh

This will create the files `/usr/local/bin/clj`, `/usr/local/bin/clojure`, and the directory `/usr/local/lib/clojure`

## Linux 

The Clojure CLI is available in many package repositories, you can find out

For some major distributions:

``` shell
# ubuntu / debian
sudo apt install clojure

# fedora / rhel / centos
sudo dnf install clojure

# arch
sudo pacman -S clojure

If you have [linux brew](https://brew.sh) you can use brew like mentioned before

``` shell
brew install clojure/tools/clojure

There is also a linux install script

This will create the files `/usr/local/bin/clj`, `/usr/local/bin/clojure`, and the directory `/usr/local/lib/clojure`
``` shell
curl -L -O https://github.com/clojure/brew-install/releases/latest/download/linux-install.sh
chmod +x linux-install.sh
sudo ./linux-install.sh


If you have installed the clojure CLI successfully. 

you can then run the program using this command in the root of the project (same
directory as the `deps.edn` file)

This will start the web server on https://localhost:7777 navigate to that to be
able to see the output (which are interactive notebooks). This will also install
all dependencies needed. It will look like its frozen, please wait for a couple
of seconds.

``` shell
clj -X:serve

then like said navigate to https://localhost:7777

Instructions will follow from there.