Shopping Store API

Sample Shopping Store Application. This project relies on Play Framework to expose a REST API and Slick for DB queries.

How do I get setup?

Install PostgreSQL. (This process applies for Mac, for installing in Linux or Windows you can refer to ​​ )

$ b​rew install postgresql

Start PostgreSQL:

​$ brew services start postgres

Run psql:

$ psql postgres

Create a database, for example:

​postgres=#​ CREATE DATABASE mydb;

Check the database owner:

p​ostgres=#​ \l

Exit psql by typing ​exit;​ in the terminal

  • Clone the project to a local directory

  • Open a terminal and ​navigate to the root of the ​shopping-store project previously downloaded. Execute the schema.sql Postgres script to create the table. Substitute ​with the DB owner user found in previous steps.

$ psql -U <db-owner> -d mydb postgres -f resources/schema.sql
  • Open the project with IntelliJ and then open the application.conf file and change the DB user for your <​ db-owner>​ from previous steps.

Alternatively, you can also change this line with Vim or with any text editor.

Compile the project:

$ sbt compile

Run the tests:

$ sbt test

Run the application

$ sbt run

The application will start running in ​http://localhost:9000 and we can start making requests to the endpoints. You can check the available endpoints in the routes file in the project.