This project is a simple application to show how to start your first MQTT Application.
- Maven 3.3.x
- Install a MQTT Broker, for example [Mosquitto](
1- Run the MQTT broker
For example using Mosquitto on OSX:
2- Build the project with Apache Maven:
This project is a simple Java application that runs a publisher and subscriber using the Eclipse Paho library.
$ mvn clean package
For convenience, the example programs project is set up so that the maven package target produces a single executable,
, that includes all of the example programs and dependencies.
3- Run the Subscriber
The subscriber will received and print all the messages published on the iot_data
$ ./target/mqtt-sample subscriber
4- Run the Publisher
Run the publisher with the following command, the second parameter is the message to publish
$ ./target/mqtt-sample publisher "My first MQTT message..."