Next js


What is Next js

Next.js is a popular open-source framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) and statically generated React applications. It was created by Vercel (formerly known as Zeit) and released in 2016.

Why we have to use Next js

Next.js provides a set of tools and features that simplify the development process of React applications, including automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, static site generation, and client-side rendering.

Benefits for using Next js

  • One of the main benefits of using Next.js is that it provides a seamless developer experience for building fast, SEO-friendly, and scalable web applications. It also includes a wide range of plugins and integrations with other popular tools and services, such as TypeScript, GraphQL, and AWS.

  • Next.js is a powerful framework that allows developers to build complex web applications with ease, while also providing excellent performance and SEO benefits.

  • Next.js improves user experience and it works very fatser than React

  • Able to build Router very easily

  • Next js Helps in Authentication,Authorization .

How to create Next.js app

  • To create Next.js app using some command

npx create-next-app@latest


yarn create next-app


pnpm create next-app

  • After the installation is complete:


npm run dev


yarn dev


pnpm dev

to start the development server on

How Next.js works

  • When we run npm run dev it move to pages folder inside pages folder it will looks for _app.js file in that file the App component will takes others component as props here App component is a higher order component because it takes other component has a props and inside App component other component wil be declared and we are able to see in UI This how Next js Render


  • if we create about.js file inside pages folder it automatically creates about route --> /about
  • if we create profile.js file inside pages folder it automatically creates profile route --> /profile
  • if we create blog folder inside pages folder than we create firstblog page inside blog folder it creates router like this --> /blog/firstblog
  • if we create blog folder inside pages folder than we create secondblog page inside blog folder it creates router like this --> /blog/secondblog

Single product page Routes create

  • Example i want all products page first soo in side product folder we have to create one index.js whenever we hit /product it render index.js file and we able to see all products in ui.
  • after we want only single product page soo here we have to use [productid].js file it represent whenver if anything is present in after /product/1 like this it will render [productid].js file and able to see single products.
  • then extract that id using useRouter from 'next/router' it will provide id of the perticular products.

Using Link component

  • whenever using Link first we have to import Link from 'next/link
  • Then declare the Link component where we want and Link component takes href as a parameter we have to provide routes here like this


  • using useRouter able to achive navigate like
  • const router=useRouter()
  • router.push('/blog')
  • it will directly navigate to blog page when we click any button.

Data Fetching in Next.js

  • using getStaticProps async function we have to decare outside of component and export that function .
  • then where we have to want that getStaticProps we have to takes as a props and using the data and
  • it must return some data.

Pre Rendering

  • some html contents are renderd previously in build time so it makes fucntionality speed.

Static Generation

  • it means some static html docs are automaticaly running. and it will rendered more speed

Pages and Components

  • inside pages whatever we create we can navigate using route
  • and component means it will create some component and we can extract that comonent and import wherever we need .


  • getStaticPaths means define some paths usning paths object.


  • fallback is a boolean values using thise we can show some loader and achive timelaps