
Primary LanguageHCLUniversal Permissive License v1.0UPL-1.0



  • Permission to manage the following types of resources in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy: vcns, internet-gateways, route-tables, security-lists, subnets and instances.

  • Quota to create the following resources: 1 VCN, 1 subnet, 1 Internet Gateway, and 1 compute instance (RStudio CMS).

If you don't have the required permissions and quota, contact your tenancy administrator. See Policy Reference, Service Limits, Compartment Quotas.

Deploy Using Oracle Resource Manager

Deploy Using the Terraform CLI

Clone the Module

Now, you'll want a local copy of this repo. You can make that with the commands:

    git clone https://github.com/oracle-quickstart/oci-arch-theia-mds.git
    cd oci-arch-theia-mds


First off, you'll need to do some pre-deploy setup. That's all detailed here.

Create a terraform.tfvars file, and specify the following variables:

# Authentication
tenancy_ocid         = "<tenancy_ocid>"
user_ocid            = "<user_ocid>"
fingerprint          = "<finger_print>"
private_key_path     = "<pem_private_key_path>"

# Region
region = "<oci_region>"

# Availablity Domain 
availablity_domain_name = "<availablity_domain_name>"

Create the Resources

Run the following commands:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Testing your Deployment

After the deployment is finished, you can access WP-Admin by picking theia_wp-admin_url output and pasting into web browser window. You can also verify initial content of your blog by using rstudio_public_ip:

theia_wp-admin_url =
rstudio_public_ip =

Destroy the Deployment

When you no longer need the deployment, you can run this command to destroy the resources:

terraform destroy

Architecture Diagram