
movieapp is a simple app that helps you find movies and TV shows based on recent releases, popularity, etc.

Primary LanguageKotlin


movieapp is a simple app that helps you find movies and TV shows based on recent releases, popularity, etc.

Why this app:

  • It's not easy to find an app that matches interest based on your mood and the kind of movie that you are looking to watch. This app would help in finding the right movie that matches your interest and works with the same.
  • This app delivers great user experience for finding movies of their choice and find all related details of the movie, it also allows you to check cast and crew related to the movie.
  • Not only does this app has great UI/UX, the technologies used in this app make data loading seamless and matches what user are looking in for a good app.

movieapp is an app that lets you decide movies and TV shows based on your mood. It implements TMDB API for data and also implements Jetpack Components like Live Data, View Model, Paging Library and Material Design. It's code is implemented based on the Reposoitory Pattern and its patten is built in such a way that its east to add in new components.