
RoboGuice classes extending ActionBarSherlock classes

Primary LanguageJava


RoboGuice classes for use with ActionBarSherlock

Both RoboGuice and ActionBarSherlock require custom base classes for Activities and Fragments, and as Java doesn't permit diamond-inheritance, or the traits of Scala, this project provides custom RoboGuice classes that extend the corresponding ones from ActionBarSherlock.

JakeWharton provided the first example of how to do this with a RoboSherlockActivity: it's a simple drudge process of taking the source for the RoboGuice class and changing the activity/fragment named in the extends declaration to the corresponding ActionBarSherlock class - there are no further complications I've encountered so far.

All classes in this project have the same name as the RoboGuice ones, with 'Sherlock' inserted after the 'Robo', ie Robo**Sherlock**ListFragment. The package is also changed to com.github.rtyley.android.sherlock.roboguice.**.

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The open-source Gaug.es web analytics app by GitHub.