
Node.js + ExpressJS + Typeorm + Typescript + JWT + ES2015 + Clustering + Tslint + Mocha + Chai

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node.js + ExpressJS + TypeOrm + Typescript + JWT + ES2015 + Clustering + Tslint + Mocha + Chai + Supertest

What use is this Starter App?

  • JWT for protecting routes.
  • Clustering mode for loading many forks depending of the CPU's units.
  • Typeorm for ORM.
  • ES2015 the lastest javascript version has promises and async/await
  • Mocha - Chai for testing
  • Supertest to load the entire server into the tests seamlessly


	/controllers (Controllers of the app)
	/middlewares (Middlewares for the routes of the app)
	/routes (Routes for Controllers of the app)
	/service (Services for using in any Controller)
	/entity (Models configuration for use)
	/repository (Custom queries)
	/Router.ts (Config file for Routing)
	/Database (DB configuration for use)
	/Server.ts (Server configuration)
config.ts (Config file for the app)
tsconfig.json (File configuration typescript)
tslint.json (File configuration rules typescript)
Index.ts (Main file to start the app)


  1. First clone this repository. git@github.com:camesine/Typescript-restful-starter.git
  2. Download all dependencies. npm install
  3. Edit the file ./config.ts with your own settings:
    SERVER: "",
    PORT_DB: 3306,
    DB: "test",
    USER_DB: "root",
    PASSWORD: "",
    DIALECT: "mysql",

    SERVER: process.env.SERVER || 'localhost',
    DB: process.env.DB || "prod",
    PORT_DB: process.env.PORT_DB || 3306,
    USER_DB: process.env.USER_DB || 'root',
    PASSWORD: process.env.PASSWORD || '',
    DIALECT: process.env.DIALECT || 'mysql',

export const config = {
    SECRET: "HltH3R3",
    PORT_APP: 1344,

Start App

When execute any of this commands the app start with clustering, creating many cluster apps depending of the numbers of CPU's your computer had.

Development: In Development mode the express app is starter with nodemon for automatic refresh when do changes.

npm run dev

Test: Run test in development environment

npm test

Production: Run app in production environment

npm start