
A little node module that will allow a user to clear a mongo database and then populate it from a given json file.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Built with testing MEAN applications in mind. Gives a developer a way to populate mongo databases from different data sources; functions, files, directories of JSON files. Also allows the developer to clean up the databases after the test.

Also open to anyone who wants to build this out with more cool things.

Types of Seeds

Directory Seed

This is where you have a directory filled with JSON files that were created from a mongoexport.

NOTE: make sure to use --jsonArray when exporting data from tables. Similar mongoexport --db PetShop --collection Food --out Food.json --jsonArray

mongoSeed.load("localhost",27017, "<name_of_database>", "<seed_directory>", "dir", function (err) {
  //..do what ever you need


This is similar to the directory seed. You have a file with an object in it where each property is a collection name and the value is an array of documents for that collection. This also supports two different data formats. The MongoDB Extended JSON(EXTENDED) or the JSON recognized by the node mongodb driver(DRIVER).

    "dataFormat": "<Type-of-json>",// supported types EXTENDED or DRIVER
    "table_Name": [/*Each document as an individual object in the array*/]
    "table_Name_n": [/*Each document as an individual object in the array*/]
mongoSeed.load("localhost",27017, "<name_of_database>", "<path_to_file>", "file", function (err) {
  //..do what ever you need

Load from Function

So loading from a function means you have a node module somewhere that returns JSON in the same format the node mongodb driver accepts. This came about because I wanted to use some of the mongoDB client helpers to set up data sets.

module.exports = function(){
    return {
       "table_Name": [/*Each document as an individual object in the array*/]
       "table_Name_n": [/*Each document as an individual object in the array*/]
mongoSeed.load("localhost",27017, "<name_of_database>", "<path_function_def>", "function", function (err) {
  //..do what ever you need

Mong Dump file


Self-explanatory. Back up a database that causes certain test cases load it in the test environment then tear it down. Well when this is added....



Ability to load JSON from a REST endpoint or maybe a JSON file stored on an S3 Bucket.


Single Database

Lets say you have the following directory structure:

├── seeds
│   └── functionSeed.js
└── test
    └── generica.test.js

The file functionSeed.js might look like this:

module.exports = function(){
    return {
       "table_Name": [
           "_id": new ObjectId(“some id here”), "Name": "Person"

The in the test file, lets say you are using mocha for testing:

var async = require('async'),
  mongoSeed = require('mongo-seed');

describe("testing some functionality", function(){

  var mongo = {
    "host": "",
    "port": "",
    "db": ""

  before(function (done) {
        function (callback) {
          mongoSeed.clear(mongo.host, mongo.port, mongo.db, function (err) {
        function (callback) {
          var seedPath = path.resolve(__dirname + "/../seeds/functionSeed.js");
          mongoSeed.load(mongo.host, mongo.port, mongo.db, seedPath, "function", function (err) {
      function (err, results) {
        if(err) throw err;

  it("Do some testing here", function(done){
    // test here


Multiple databases

Lets say you need to seed multiple databases for testing here is a quick example of how you might do that.

var async = require('async'),
  mongoSeed = require('mongo-seed');

describe("testing some functionality", function(){

  var mongo = {
    "host": "",
    "port": "",
    "db": ""

  var mongo2 = {
    "host": "",
    "port": "",
    "db": ""

  before(function (done) {
        function (callback) {
          mongoSeed.clear(mongo.host, mongo.port, mongo.db, function (err) {
        function (callback) {
          mongoSeed.clear(mongo2.host, mongo2.port, mongo2.db, function (err) {
        function (callback) {
          var seedPath = path.resolve(__dirname + "/../seeds/functionSeed.js");
          mongoSeed.load(mongo.host, mongo.port, mongo.db, seedPath, "function", function (err) {
        function (callback) {
          var seedPath = path.resolve(__dirname + "/../seeds/functionSeed2.js");
          mongoSeed.load(mongo2.host, mongo2.port, mongo2.db, seedPath, "function", function (err) {
      function (err, results) {
        if(err) throw err;

  it("Do some testing here", function(done){
    // test here
