
💾 ⭐️ An extension to display line endings in VS Code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is this?

This shows newline (technically end-of-line) characters, similar to Atom or Notepad++. There's also the option to show some line endings with an error-color if you want to avoid a particular kind of line ending.

How do I use it?

Just install it, open a file, and make sure you have the renderWhitespace setting enabled in VS Code (toggle it with the "Toggle Render Whitespace" command in the command pallet). If you don't want spaces to be displayed, use the "Toggle (Show/Hide) Line Endings" command instead of "Toggle Render Whitespace". (You'll also want to add "code-eol.toggleWithWhiteSpace": false, to your settings file encase you later decide to enable renderWhitespace)

Its not working! (Even after toggling)

Some themes have a transparent (or 99% transparent) whitespace color, so the endings might be colored... they're just colored invisble. You can manually override that theme-color by putting this in your settings:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#d1d41b" // whatever hex color you want

You can also manually override this extension by adding this to your settings

"code-eol.style": {
    "color" : "#d1d41b", // whatever hex color you want
    "opacity" : 1.0

If its still not working, then please let me know by creating new issue on GitHub here: https://github.com/jeff-hykin/code-eol

What can I customize? (Settings)

You can customize the color, opacity, which character is used for each kind of end-of-line, and a few other things.
Settings Example:

        "code-eol.style": {
            "color" : "#2a3f47",
            "opacity" : 1.0
            // there are more settings that can go in here
            // see "ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions" on https://goo.gl/SYzyg8
        "code-eol.toggleWithWhiteSpace": true,
        // "code-eol.validLineEnding": "LF"  , // (optional) this makes "CRLF" endings render as error-color
        // "code-eol.validLineEnding": "CRLF", // (optional) this makes "LF" endings render as error-color
        "code-eol.returnCharacter" :"⇠",
        "code-eol.crlfCharacter"   :"↵",
        "code-eol.newlineCharacterStyle" : {
            "color": "#2a3f47",
            "opacity": 0.9
        "code-eol.returnCharacterStyle" : {
            "color": "#2a3f47",
            "opacity": 0.9
        "code-eol.crlfCharacterStyle" : {
            "color": "#2a3f47",
            "opacity": 0.9
        // some other symbols you might want to use:
            // ¤
            // ↓
            // ←
            // ↙
            // ⇣
            // ⇠
            // ⇓
            // ⇐
            // ▼
            // ◀
            // ␤
            // ¶
            // ↲
            // ↩
            // ↴
            // ⬎
            // ⇂
        // see more at https://unicode-table.com/en/sets/arrows-symbols/

Can I toggle line endings with a keybinding?

Yes! By default the line endings are toggled along with the "show whitespace" setting. There is also a command (with no default keybinding) called "Toggle (Show/Hide) Line Endings" that you can use from the command pallet, and you can add a keybinding that maps to it. That command will manually toggle line endings independently of the show whitespace setting.

You programmed this yourself?

Nope, the only reason this exists is because its updated/improved fork of https://github.com/sohamkamani/code-eol The majority of the credit should go to them, I added all the customizations, but I couldn't have done the core myself.

What does this fork improve?

This fork:

  1. Fixes the character bounce issue when typing at the end of a line
  2. Lets you customize color and character choice
  3. Improves performance
  4. Adds more comments/documentation
  5. Adds toggle command for turning visible line endings on/off
  6. Uses the default colors of your theme

What if there is a problem with the extension?

Then post a bug/feature request!
(to do that just create an issue on github: https://github.com/jeff-hykin/code-eol)
The opacity setting, character-specific styles, and the toggle command were created because people on GitHub asked.
NOTE: It might take me awhile to repond on GitHub (I only maintain this in my free time), but I will respond.