Advanced Angular Bootstrap Components

This library is a work in progress that will contain some advanced Angular components build on Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4.

Build the project and view the library components.

npm install
npm run start

Table of Contents

Scrolling Tabs

This component is a scrollable responsive tab component build on Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4. The left and right nav buttons will scroll one tab at a time. The component will track what tab is open and re-navigate to the open tab when the screen is refreshed. Any bootstrap theme or tab styling will automatically apply to this component. The component should be placed in a container and the angular routing module should be configured in the consuming app.

Getting started

  • Install the package
npm install ngc-scrolling-tabs
  • Add import to your Angular Module
import { ScrollingTabsModule } from 'ngc-scrolling-tabs';


  • [firstTabActive] -> Used on page load, if the active tab is not specified the first tab will be marked as active. Default: true
  • [scrollToActive] -> Used on page load, the active tab that is marked active will be scrolled to if there are hidden tabs. Default: true
  • [trackOpenTab] -> Used to track what tab is open as a url parameter. If the page is refreshed it will default to that tab. Default: true


(selectedTabChanged) -> Fired when a user changes tabs.


<ngc-scrolling-tabs [firstTabActive]="true" [scrollToActive]="true" [trackOpenTab]="false" (selectedTabChanged)="onSelectedTabChanged($event)">
    <ngcScrollingTab id="home" title="Home">
        Tab 1 content
    <ngcScrollingTab id="settings" title="Settings" [active]="true">
        Tab 2 content

Scrolling Tabs - Light Theme

Scrolling Tabs - Dark Theme


This component is a responsive pager component build on Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4. It keeps track of the total records and number of pages based on page size. It fires a event when the user changes the page or page size.

Getting started

  • Install the package
npm install ngc-pager
  • Add import to your Angular Module
import { PagerModule } from 'ngc-pager';


  • [pageinationMetaData] -> Object used to hold and pass page data. Object and default values below.
class PaginationMetadata {
    constructor(public currentPage: number = 1, public totalPages: number = 0, public pageSize: number = 25,
                public totalCount: number = 0, public hasPrevious: boolean = false, public hasNext: boolean = false) {
  • [floatRight] -> Will push the component to the right on larger screens. Default: false
  • [resultsHeader] -> Sets the text that will be shown in front of the result count. Default: 'Total Results:'
  • [pageSizes] -> A array of integers that will be used to generate the available list of page sizes. Default [5, 10, 25, 50, 100]


(pagerChanged) -> Fired when page or pagesize changes.


<ngc-pager  [pageinationMetaData]="pageinationMetaData"


Search Input

This component is a search input field built on Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4. It listens for input, pauses for a set duration (default 500 ms), checks for unique values, and then emits the text in the search field. Can be used to auto search a datasource automatically as a user is typing. Emits a changed event if the input field is cleared.

Getting started

  • Install the package
npm install ngc-search-input
  • Add import to your Angular Module
import { SearchInputModule } from 'ngc-search-input';


  • [config] -> Used to set multiple settings for the component. Pass in config object with the values you want to change. Object with default values listed below.
@Input() config = {
    placeholderText: 'Search...',
    minSearchLength: 3,
    searchLengthError: 'Search term must be at least 3 characters',
    debounceTime: 500


(searchInputChanged) -> Fired when the search term is changed and greater than the specified length and not the same as the last emitted value or if the search term is empty.


<ngc-search-input [config]="configSettings" (searchInputChanged)="onSearchInputChanged($event)"></ngc-search-input>

Search Input

Adding components to the library

  • Run the following command
ng g library search-input --prefix ngc
  • Change to the directory and init NPM
npm init
  • Add commands to package.json and show the library in the sample app