
easy access to linked data and RDF

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

RDF easy

easy Javascript access to RDF from Solid pods & other sources

RDF-easy is a tool for both novice and advanced developers which provides easy access to RDF data from Solid pods and other sources. It lets you create RDF with Turtle; query and update RDF with SPARQL , and process query results in straight-forward Javascript arrays of hashes. Even if you don't know much Turtle or SPARQL, it can be a useful tool for many common tasks and is a good way to learn them. And if you do know Turtle and SPARQL, RDF-easy provides a simple front-end with one interface, consistent query return format, and lets your code remain uncluttered by things like named nodes, prefixes, stores, fetchers, updaters, etc which are all handled transparently in the background .

Under the hood, is the ever-magnificent rdflib. RDF-easy adds a mere 5k to the browser's load once rdflib is loaded. The goal here is to be less daunting than rdflib and closer to the RDF bone (for the user) than query-ldflex. If you need really heavy lifting, use rdflib instead or in addition (see tips for advanced users below). If you prefer Javascript objects to SPARQL, use query-ldflex instead.

Methods (there are only four):

    find a single value in an RDF resource : rdf.value()
   find multiple values in an RDF resource : rdf.query()
                    create an RDF resource : rdf.createOrReplace()
                    modify an RDF resource : rdf.update()

Invoking & initializing

  const auth    = require('solid-auth-cli') // or browser equivalent
  const RDFeasy = require('rdf-easy')       // or browser equivalent

  const rdf = new RDFeasy(auth)

Some examples

  • find the name of the owner of a profile document
    await rdf.value(profile,`SELECT ?name WHERE { :me foaf:name ?name. }`) 
  • find all statements in any RDF document
  let statements = await rdf.query( anyRDF )
  for(var s of statements){ console.log(s.subject,s.predicate,s.object) }
  • find everything about a given subject in an RDF document
  let about = await rdf.query( anyRDF, `
      SELECT ?property ?value WHERE { :anySubject ?property ?value. }
  for(var a of about){ console.log(a.property,a.value) }
  • find the URLs and sizes of the contents of a container
  let contents = await rdf.query( container, `
      SELECT ?url ?size WHERE {
          <> ldp:contains ?url. 
          ?url stat:size ?size.
  for(var c of contents){ console.log(c.url,c.size) }
  • find all agents with write access to a given URL
  // Note : the link header of a document becomes part of its results
  // using the IANA link-relations vocabulary (prefix linkr).
  // Links can be retrieved by querying for linkr:acl and linkr:describedBy
  let aclDoc = await rdf.value( givenUrl,`
      SELECT ?aclDoc WHERE { <> linkr:acl ?aclDoc. }
  let agents = await rdf.query( aclDoc, `
      SELECT ?agentName WHERE { 
          ?auth acl:mode  acl:Write;
                acl:agent ?agentName.
  for(var a of agents){ console.log(a.agentName) }
  • find trusted apps and their modes
  let apps = await rdf.query( profile, `
      SELECT ?appName ?appMode WHERE { 
          ?app acl:origin ?appName;
               acl:mode   ?appMode.
  for(var a of apps){ console.log(a.appName,a.appMode) }
  • find African Women Musicans in a list of world artists
  let artists = await rdf.query( worldArtists, `
      SELECT ?name WHERE { 
          ?artist mo:origin     "Africa"; 
                  schema:gender "female";
                  rdf:type      mo:MusicArtist;
                  rdfs:label    ?name.
  for(var a of artists){ console.log(a.name) }
  • create an RDF document (send a Turtle string)
  await rdf.createOrReplace( newDoc, `
      @prefix : <#>
      <> :about "stuff".
  • update an RDF document
  await rdf.update( someDoc, `
      DELETE DATA { <> :about "stuff". }
      INSERT DATA { <> :about "RDF". }

working with in-memory and files rather than web resources

If you are working in nodejs using solid-auth-cli, you can use file:// URLs to access local files the same way you would with remote files. You can also use app://ls URLs to work entirely in-memory localStorage, e.g. create a Turtle resource and query it without writing anything to disk.


Everything shown above with triples can be used with quads, I just didn't mention that, so as not to confuse beginners.

additional namespaces

Many of the common namespaces (foaf,ldp,etc.) are included by default and you do not need to define them in your queries. If you have a custom namespace, either add it to the SPARQL with a standard PREFIX declaration, or use <full-url-of-namespace-and-term> in your SPARQL.

working with RDF formats other than Turtle

If you wish to create resources in n3, RDF/XML, etc. you may pass a content-type tag as the third parameter of createOrReplace()

re-querying the same source

If you want to run additional queries on a data URL you have already loaded, you can pass null as the data URL which will reuse the store from the previous query or value.

  let results1 = await rdf.query( dataUrl, sparql1 )
  let results2 = await rdf.query( null, sparql2 )

querying multiple sources at once

Instead of passing a single URL to the query method, you may pass an array of URLs all of which will be added to the store. The query will be run against all the sources.

  let results = await rdf.query( [url1,url2,...], sparql )

reusing the store and fetcher

The rdflib store and fetcher objects are used behind the scenes. If you need them or their methods, you can access them with rdf.store and rdf.fetcher. They will be loaded with whatever you requested in your last value() or query() call.

© 2019, Jeff Zucker, may be freely distributed with an MIT license