
Projects for Tests iOS Dev Sprint on Devpass

Primary LanguageSwift

Tests Challenge - Finance App 💰

In the Tests Challenge, we only have tasks of implementing tests in an iOS application. Our goal is to implement unit, Snapshot and UI tests in a Finance application, following all the best practices of agile development and Git.

In this challenge, you will also see Dependency Injection concepts and creating mocks of classes and data.

drawing drawing drawing drawing


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Start a new feature branch.
  3. Open solutions folder and access your Dev Sprint's project.
  4. Build, run and code! 👩‍💻

Extras (Julio Fernandes' sprints)

We are using XcodeGen to generate our project, follow the instructions bellow for installation and running the environment.


brew install xcodegen


cd Scripts && ./setup open

Faça um build e rode o projeto. ▶️

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