
Aggregator PWA for status pages of online services. Know which of your 3rd party SaaS/PaaS are having issues right now.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



This is an aggregator and a progressive web app (PWA) for status pages of many important online infrastructure services. Know which of your 3rd party SaaS/PaaS are having issues right now.

Check it out at https://lzone.de/multi-status/

Supported Status Pages

Currently the following providers status pages are supported:

airbrake artifactoryonline AWS Azure Azure DevOps bandwidth baremetrics bigcartel bigwig binarylane bitbucket bitrise bonsai box breadcrumb brightpearl callfire catchpoint cdnjs chargify chartbeat chef circleci clarifai clearbit clojars cloudamqp cloudflarecom cloudinary CloudSigma Code Climate codeclimate codeship codetree coinbase Confluence credsimple cxengage datadog datadoghq deadmanssnitch developer dialpad digitalocean discord dnsimple Docker dropbox duo dyncom easypost easyredir elastic.co engineyard envoy fullcontact gearhost geckoboard getstream Github GitLab Google Cloud graphenedb greenhouse hashicorp heapanalytics helpscout Heroku hetzner ifttt imgix incapsula instapage iron Jira jumpcloud keen kickbox lastpass launchpad letsencrypt librato lifesizecloud linode loader loggly maxcdn mediatemple metastatuspage modeanalytics newrelic npmjs opsGenie optimizely OVHloud pagerduty pantheon papertrailcom plivo pubnub pusher Python quay.io rapid7 recurly Redhat redislabs redtailtechnology rightscale rollbar rubygems runscope salesforceiq saucelabs scoutapp segment sendgrid sendwithus Sentry serverdensity servint sharefile shopkeep sitespect skylight smartsheet Sonarcloud sparkpost splashtop split squarespace stoplight syncano talkdesk TravisCI twilio Twitter typeform victorops websolr zapier zoom

If you are missing a status page feel free to add it to conf/feeds.json and to create a PR!


  • Backend
    • Date normalization
    • Strip bad encodings
    • Option to query only some providers

Installation Script

Download the script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lwindolf/multi-status/install_multi-status.sh

Make the script executable

chmod +x <path-to-script>/install_multi-status.sh

Run the script from your download location

sudo <path-to-script>/install_multi-status.sh

Manual Setup

Choose a location to clone the repo into

cd <desired-install-path>
git clone https://github.com/lwindolf/multi-status.git

Install backend dependencies

sudo apt-get install libjson-perl libxml-feed-perl

Run backend updater

cd <path-to-backend>/backend
./update.pl > <path-to-frontend>/frontend/data.json

Serve frontend for testing with

ln -s frontend multi-status
python3 -m http.server

and access http://localhost:8000/multi-status

Running multi-status as a service (make sure you modify the --directory path here)

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/multi-status.service
Description=Multi-Status Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server --directory <path-to>/multi-status


Reload systemd

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start and enable the service

sudo systemctl start multi-status
sudo systemctl enable multi-status