
A customizable site for lasercutter materials

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Laser Materials Database

An easily-customizable website for keeping track of laser-cutter settings. Publishes everything from a Google Sheet (or csv file) and allows for cut/engrave adjustments, notes and warnings... and even generates QR codes for each material for easy access!

This was developed to let students in the Visual Arts & Technology program at Stevens Institute of Technology easily access info about materials for the laser-cutter and explore new materials they didn't know were possible. It spiralled out of control and here we are.


You can view a working version of this project here: http://www.jeffreythompson.org/lasercutter

Or scan this QR code to view a material listing:

A QR code, which links to a sample material listing



This project relies on several wonderful open-source projects:


In order to make setup as easy as possible, especially for folks who have never made a website, I suggest using Google Sheets for your database. Alternatively, you can use a local csv file or export one from Excel.

The format for this spreadsheet needs to be exactly right for the site to work, so I suggest starting with mine and duplicating the file. (Or, if you're using a Universal VLS4.6 you can just use our settings!) We'll get into the various entries in a moment.

When you're ready to go, you'll need to create a version of the spreadsheet that the site can work with. In Sheets, go to File → Share → Publish to Web... (don't use the big Share button in the upper-right corner, it won't work for this!)

A screenshot of a spreadsheet, with the dropdown file menu showing where to find the share settings

Make sure Entire Document is being shared and you've selected Comma-separated values (CSV) as the format.

A screenshot of the share settings in Google Sheets

Sheets will generate a link for you: grab it and you're ready for the next step!

Note! Definitely click the Automatically republish when changes are made option. This is super helpful: just update the spreadsheet and your site will reflect those changes a few minutes later!


To get the site working, you only need to modify one file: settings.json. Opening up the file, we see a few things we need to customize:

  "location": "<where your laser is located>",
  "institution": "<who owns the laser?>",
  "csv": "<link to shared csv of your database>",
  "spreadsheetURL": "<link to the editable sheet>"

The location and instution settings will show up in the footer of the page. In my case, our lasercutter is in the VA&T Fab Lab and is owned by Stevens Institute of Technology. This is especially useful for folks that might have more than one lasercutter.

There are also two URLs: csv is the link to your database we created earlier. If you're using a local csv file, just include the path and filename.

The spreadsheetURL will create a link to your full spreadsheet, letting folks quickly scan all the materials and for you to edit and add to it without having to find it again. Google Sheets will respect the edit settings you have in place, so it should be safe to include but if you'd prefer not to, you can leave this blank and it won't show up.

Putting it all together, this is what my json file looks like:

  "location": "VA&T Fab Lab",
  "institution": "Stevens Institute of Technology",
  "csv": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQosw77tzUa2cLjxi84xqp6F3EE-yAEF6Smk2UNMEUQQPEGdjUJD8gGwuV2sp5b7IQItggxT85A910y/pub?output=csv",
  "spreadsheetURL": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10eG88FrLw_cyFG9sk5CHbmlSF048J4ngjEk8lX-JaIU/edit?usp=sharing"

Save the file and that's it!

🤬 Be sure to put quotes around everything and don't forget a comma at the end of each line. Leaving that stuff out will cause an error...


The spreadsheet containing your list of materials is intended to be easy to edit and add to! While it's probably pretty intuitive to understand, this section goes over everything in detail.

The spreadsheet is set up in a particular way so it can work with the code for the website. Changing the names of columns will mess things up! If you have items you'd like added, please create an issue here on Github and I'll do my best to add support. Or mod the code and submit a pull request!

A unique, three-digit ID for each material. This is used to create the URL for the material and should include three leading zeros. For example, material 1 should be listed as 001, 27 would be 027

The name for the material. You can specify color, finish, and thickness later. Example: Acrylic or Bamboo

Optional: the color of the material. If not listed, this section won't be shown. Example: Black or Flourescent blue

Optional: the surface finish of the material. If not listed, this section won't be shown. Example: Matte or Glossy

The thickness the material is supposed to be. If unknown or it varies, you can list that instead. Be sure to include the unit of measurement. Example: 0.125" or 3mm or Varies

The measured thickness of the material, which is often different than the listed thickness. If unknown or it varies, you can list that instead. Example: 0.118" or 3.2mm or Varies

Which preset to use in your laser software. If split up using the > symbol, the website will replace this with a fancy arrow indicating nested presets. Example: Plastic > Acrylic > Cast Acrylic > Deep Engraving will render as...

↳ Acrylic
  ↳ Cast Acrylic
    ↳ Deep Engraving

+/- change for raster engraving. If no change, leave blank. Can also say things like (see note) or any other text instead. Example: 20% or -15%

Same as Raster but for vector engraving.

Same as Raster but for cutting.

List whether a material needs transfer tape to be applied or not. Can be listed with any text. Example: Yes or Not required but will help keep the matte side clean

Any crucial warnings for users. Will be shown at the top with a bright background color. Multiple warnings can be listed on separate lines (in the same cell) with a bullet character at the start of each line, which will be turned into a nice-looking list!

Example: Glass can only be etched, not cut! or...

• Original film must be removed before cutting!
• Approved acrylic only!

🤓 Hold down Command/Control and press Enter to create a new line in a cell. Press Option + * to make a bullet character.

Info that will help users get better results. These can be formatted just like the Warnings. Example: Use transfer tape for the best etching and to avoid flames while cutting or multiple items with bullets (as shown above)

Where the material can be purchased from. If a URL is included, this will become a link. Example: McMaster Carr or Inventables

Optional: a link to where the material can be purchased.

The price charged to users for a sheet of this material. If blank, this will be ommitted (useful if you don't supply the material but it can be cut). Be sure to add the currency. Example: $14 or £12.50


With everything set up, you just need to publish your site online. We won't go over that here, but you'll need somewhere to host the files so folks can get to them.

Just dump all of the files and you should be all set!


One bonus feature of this site is the auto-generated QR codes for each material. They are intended to be downloaded and printed on sticker paper, which you can apply to samples. Users can scan the code with their phones and voilà! They can view the details of the material.

The QR code for each material is listed at the bottom of its page, but you can also click the link at the bottom of the index page to download all of them in a single page.


This repository also includes a folder of sample files which we use in the VA&T Fab Lab. SmallLaserTest.pdf is a 2x2" test file to showcase cutting and engraving, and includes a 1/2" square area for the material's QR code.

A version without cut lines and a desktop background for your lasercutter computer are also included as bonus materials.


  • No link when url is blank
  • Tooltip is all uppercase (css not working yet)
  • Warnings/notes: no list if just one bullet
  • No price = remove that section