
My "dot" files for vim. I mostly use Windows, so I have vimfiles instead of .vim.

Primary LanguageVimL

These instructions are based on one of the screencasts from VimCasts.org.

[Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen](http://vimcasts.org/episodes/synchronizing-plugins-with-git-submodules-and-pathogen/)

    cd ~
    git clone http://github.com/username/dotvim.git ~/.vim
    ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
    ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
    cd ~/.vim
    git submodule init
    git submodule update

For Windows **from CMD runas admin not PowerShell** you'll do this:

    cd %HOMEPATH%
    git clone http://github.com/username/dotvim.git vimfiles
    mklink _vimrc vimfiles\_vimrc
    mklink _gvimrc vimfiles\_gvimrc
    cd vimfiles
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
Why not PowerShell? Symlinks are easy under CMD, not PowerShell. I think you can do it, but not with the simple mklink command.

Also note that .vim under Windows is vimfiles and .vimrc is _vimrc.

Also note that cd %HOMEPATH% sucks, but what can you do? Oh, yeah, do all of this from PowerShell except the mklink steps.