
Test Bench is a tool to make manual testing better.

Primary LanguageRuby



This is a simple Rails 3.1 app that uses Parse Rails Boiler Plate.



git clone git@github.com:jeffaburt/test-bench.git

cd test-bench

bundle install

rails s

Contributing Code


Feature Branches

Since this is a small scale project, creating feature branches on this repository is completely fine - no need to create a fork unless you really want to.

When starting a new feature or fixing a bug, create a branch. Name the branch with a descriptive name.

git checkout -b FEATURE-BRANCH-NAME

Pull Requests

Once you have tested your changes and ready to submit, make sure you have merged in the latest code changes and then push to origin

git pull origin master

Resolve any merge conflicts

git push origin HEAD

Note: HEAD is another way of saying "current branch name"

Open a Pull Request from the master branch to your new feature branch created above. Make sure the Pull Request is ready to merge. If it is not, make sure you have the latest master merged into your feature branch.


Anytime master gets updated (i.e. if a Pull Request gets merged), Heroku might also need to be updated.

First, we must pre-compile the assets for production (this should probably be done in the PR since changes in master are what get pushed to Heroku):

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

Then, we need to push the code. This will automatically push code from our master branch:

git push heroku master