
Exploration on introducing discrete codex and raw wave decoding to realize Brain-to-Text translation.

DeWave: Introducing discrete coding into EEG to text translation

Updates: As the baseline methods make a new claim of evaluation MikeWangWZHL/EEG-To-Text#5, we are investigating this problem https://github.com/duanyiqun/DeWave/issues/1 and its potential effects.


  title={DeWave: Discrete Encoding of EEG Waves for EEG to Text Translation},
  author={Duan, Yiqun and Zhou, Charles and Wang, Zhen and Wang, Yu-Kai and Lin, Chin-teng},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

This repo is the implementation of paper xxx which is a discrete encoding (VQ-VAE) into EEG waves to text translation. Please take a look at our paper for more technology details. The overview of the model structure is illustrated below.


This repo is based on the EEG-to-Text codes & implementation.

Data Preparation

  • Download raw data from ZuCo
    • Download ZuCo v1.0 for 'task1-SR','task2-NR','task3-TSR' from https://osf.io/q3zws/files/ under 'OSF Storage' root, unzip and move all .mat files to /dataset/ZuCo/task1-SR/Matlab_files,/dataset/ZuCo/task2-NR/Matlab_files,/dataset/ZuCo/task3-TSR/Matlab_files respectively.
    • Download ZuCo v2.0 'Matlab files' for 'task1-NR' from https://osf.io/2urht/files/ under 'OSF Storage' root, unzip and move all .mat files to /dataset/ZuCo/task2-NR-2.0/Matlab_files.
  • Preparation scripts for eye fixation sliced data
  • Preparation scripts for raw waves
    ./util/construct_wave_mat_to_pickle_v1.py -t task3-TSR -r /projects/CIBCIGroup/00DataUploading/yiqun/bci -o /projects/CIBCIGroup/00DataUploading/yiqun/bci/ZuCo/dewave_sent


Eye fixation assisted translation

Please refer to train_codex_freq.py and train_translate_freq.py respectively for codex self-supervise initializaiton and translation training. Run scripts scripts/train_codex_ss.sh, scripts/train_translate_codex.sh to train the model.

Direct translation on raw waves

Please notice that the training for raw waves are extremely memory consuming, try larger GPUs Please refer to train_translate_dewave.py for translation training. The self-supervised initialization will be released soon. Run scripts scripts/train_translate_codex_dewave.sh to train the model.


The model is trained and stored in checkpoints folder. The evaluation scripts is in eval_decoding_freq for eye-tracking fixation and eval_decoding_dewave for raw waves. After evaluation, the text results could be found in results such as example we uploaded.


Generated sample:

Ground Truth Bush attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a Bachelor's degree in Latin American Studies in 1973, taking only two and a half years to complete his work, and obtaining generally excellent grades.
Prediction was the University of California at Austin in where he studied in Beta Kappa in a degree of degree in history American Studies in 1975. and a one classes a half years to complete the degree. and was a excellent grades.

Due to current training, the model could achieve the best peformance on codex size 2048 and latent size 512. The results are revealed as below.

图片名称 图片名称

The subject wise results in task 2.0 on BLEU and ROUGE scores. The text ground truth is the same for each subject, so the metrics difference is not that large. For example we visualize the model trained by subjec id "YMD".


BLEU-1 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.05 44.25 44.25 43.41 44.25 44.03 44.45 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25 44.18 44.25 44.25
BLEU-2 25.83 25.83 25.83 25.83 26.11 25.83 25.83 24.58 25.83 25.55 26.04 25.83 25.83 25.83 25.83 25.86 25.83 25.83
BLEU-3 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.38 15.18 15.18 14.40 15.18 14.86 15.32 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.28 15.18 15.18
BLEU-4 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.34 8.31 8.31 7.76 8.31 7.94 8.45 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.45 8.31 8.31
ROUGE-R 32.18 32.18 32.18 32.18 31.84 32.18 32.18 31.27 32.18 32.02 32.32 32.18 32.18 32.18 32.18 32.23 32.18 32.18
ROUGE-P 39.34 39.34 39.34 39.34 39.26 39.34 39.34 37.79 39.34 39.29 39.52 39.34 39.34 39.34 39.34 39.28 39.34 39.34
ROUGE-F 35.34 35.34 35.34 35.34 35.11 35.34 35.34 34.16 35.34 35.24 35.50 35.34 35.34 35.34 35.34 35.35 35.34 35.34