
A Template Project started in April, 2020 that use the latest tech stack i knew.

Primary LanguageKotlin


A Android Template Project where I impemented :

  • Kotlin
  • Retrofit : A type-safe REST client, used to consume RESTful web services.
  • Proguard : Minimize codes, Obfuscate codes, Rename classes, fields and so on.
  • Data Binding : Binds layout UI Components to app data sources.
  • Room : Data Object Mapping Library for accessing database on Android apps.
  • MVP (Model-View-Presenter) : is Architecture, an Interface that specifies contract between each present and view.
  • RxJava : A JVM library that uses observables to perform asynchronous and events based programming.
  • AndroidX
  • Recylerview

Description :

  • Shows List of Photos
  • Shows Details of each Photos (Collapsible Header Toolbar)
  • Shimmer