
Titanium native ImageView module that allows you to choose which contenMode/scaleType to use

Primary LanguageMakefile

Extended Imageview

Currently Titanium.UI.ImageView doesn't support the contentMode property so your rendered image will everytime fit your ImageView. This module allows you to specify which behavior your ImageView must have and adds some extra features to improve the user experience.

Get it

Clone this repository or directly download the latest packaged module version here.

Now, follow these steps to install the packaged version of this module into your application.


You can easily use this module via Alloy or in a classic way.


Here is how you can use the extended-imageview directly in alloy:

        <View class="container">
            <ImageView module="av.imageview" />

and inside the related TSS you can do

"ImageView": {
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    image: "https://static.pexels.com/photos/27954/pexels-photo-27954.jpg",


You can instantiate an extended-imageview in this way:

    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    image: "https://static.pexels.com/photos/27954/pexels-photo-27954.jpg",


All Titanium.UI.View properties and methods are supported.

About the enabled contentMode, you can learn more about this here.

Extra properties

Property Description Note
contentMode Set the ImageView content mode Supported contentmodes are listed in a next section.
defaultImage Local image to display when the image download is in progress
brokenLinkImage Local image to display when the given link doesn't work or the image doesn't exists
loadingIndicator Enable or disable the activity indicator when the download is in progress true by default
enableMemoryCache Enable or disable the memory cache mechanism true by default and Android only
clipsToBound More details here (iOS Only)

Extra methods

Method Description Note
setContentMode Set the contentMode property
setLoadingIndicator Set the loadingIndicator property
setDefaultImage Set the defaultImage property
setBrokenLinkImage Set the brokenLinkImage property
setClipsToBound Set the clipToBounds property iOS only
getContentMode Get the value of contentMode property
getLoadingIndicator Get the value of loadingIndicator property
getDefaultImage Get the value of defaultImage property
getBrokenLinkImage Get the value of brokenLinkImage property
getClipsToBound Get the value of clipToBounds property iOS only


Event Description
load Fired when the current image was successfully downloaded
error Fired when the image was not fetched

Supported Content Modes

Here is a list of supported content modes:

Android and iOS


iOS only


Known issues

Using the Android version inside a ListItemTemplate will cause a rendering problem. To avoid this, set the loadingIndicator property to false as a temporary workaround.


@mads that with his code inspired me to make this module.

@rs for the amazing SDWebImage library.

@bumptech for the amazing Glide library.