
Replacement for Ti.UI.Button with better support for styling and icons

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Button widget Titanium Alloy

This widget for the Appcelerator Titanium Alloy MVC framework provides a view that mimics Ti.UI.Button, but with more flexible styling and support for icon fonts.


The repository

The repository contains two branches. This master branch contains the widget. The other test branch has a complete Titanium Alloy demo/test project.

Quick Start

Get it gitTio

Download this repository and consult the Alloy Documentation on how to install it, or simply use the gitTio CLI:

$ gittio install nl.fokkezb.button

Use it

  • Require the widget in a view:
<Widget src="nl.fokkezb.button" onClick="myCallback" icon="icon-on" title="My title" style="ios" />`

If you want to use icons:

  • Specificy the font family to use via iconFont.
  • Specificy the icon to use via icon. You probably have to give a unicode. Take a look at the demo to see how I use the fa.js generated by FontAwesomeJS to map icon names to unicodes.
  • Follow the Custom Fonts guide to add a custom font to your app.

See the reference way down this document for all available properties.

Pre-defined styles

The widget comes with pre-defined styles that can be applied to a button just the style property, either in <Widget /> or via TSS.

For example:

<Widget src="nl.fokkezb.button" title="Primary" style="bs-primary" />
Style Example Description
ios ios Like Ti.UI.Button on iOS
bs-default bs-default Twitter Bootstrap's default button
bs-primary bs-primary Twitter Bootstrap's primar button
bs-info bs-info Twitter Bootstrap's info button
bs-success bs-success Twitter Bootstrap's success button
bs-warning bs-warning Twitter Bootstrap's warning button
bs-danger bs-danger Twitter Bootstrap's danger button
bs-inverse bs-inverse Twitter Bootstrap's inverse button
bs-link bs-link Twitter Bootstrap's link button

Adding styles and setting the default

Add styles by requiring the widget's styles-lib in your app's alloy.js and use the set() method to set (or override) a pre-defined style like this:

var Styles = require('nl.fokkezb.button/styles');
Styles.set('my-style', {
	borderWidth: 1,
	borderColor: '#000',
	backgroundColor: '#ccc',
	activeStyle: {
		backgroundColor: '#000',
		color: '#fff'

The lib also exposes has() and get(). Use the latter to get and extend an existing style before overwriting it using set().

You can also set the default style to be used for any button that doesn't specify a style itself. On iOS the ios style is the default. Change it in your app's alloy.js like this:

var Styles = require('nl.fokkezb.button/styles');

An example can be found in the demo app's app/alloy.js file.

TSS styling

Of course you can also style the widget like any other view using the TSS file of the controller-view where your require the widget. Just set a class or id to the <Widget /> and style it like this:

"#myButton": {
	borderWidth: 1,
	borderColor: '#000',
	backgroundColor: '#ccc',
	activeStyle: {
		backgroundColor: '#000',
		color: '#fff'
	iconFont: 'FontAwesome',
	icon: Alloy.Globals.fa.powerOff

Run-time styling

You can use $.myId.applyProperties() to apply any new properties to the widget after it has been automatically initialized:

	color: 'red'

Event listeners

Listen to the click-event like you would do with a regular button.

Either in <Widget />:

<Widget onClick="myCallback" title="My title" id="myId" />

Or in the requiring controller:

$.myId.addEventListener('click', myCallback);

The callback receives an Object containing 2 properties:

  • type: Always click.
  • bubbles: Always FALSE.
  • source: The widget's main controller, including all non-object properties defined via XML or TSS.

An example can be found in the demo app's app/controllers/index.js file.

Since 1.3, when listening to a parent of the button, the e.source will also contain all non-object properties defined for the widget via XML or TSS.

Property reference

To understand what properties are available and what they do, you need to understand how the button is constructed. The next illustration shows the outer (purple), inner (red), icon (blue) and title (green) elements and where padding and spacing is applied.


Widget-specific properties

Property Type Purpose
enabled Boolean If false, the disabledStyle will be applied and no events are triggerd
title String Optional text for the title of the button
titleid String Optional textid for an internationalized title of the button
icon String Optional icon image file name or the text/unicode if you use an icon font.
iconFont String The font family to use for the icon.
iconSize Number Font size for the icon, overruling the button fontSize
iconPosition String Positions the icon to the left (default) or the right of the title
padding Number/String/Object Padding between the outer and the inner. Either pass one dimension, a list of 1 to 4 dimensions or an object containing one of top, right, bottom and left as keys and their dimension as values. Don't use padding if you specify a width and height and want the inner to be centered in the outer.
spacing Number/String Spacing between the icon and the title
style String Pre-defined style to load before applying any of the common properties in the next table.
activeStyle Object Object containing any of the common properties listed in the next table that will be applied while the user presses the button.
disabledStyle Object Object containing any of the common properties listed in the next table that will be applied if the button is not enabled.

Titanium-common properties

Property Type Applied to Comments
width, height Number/String outer
top, right, bottom, left Number/String outer
center Point outer
borderWidth Number/String outer
borderColor String outer
borderRadius Number/String outer
backgroundColor Number/String outer
backgroundGradient Gradient outer
backgroundImage String Outer
backgroundTopCap Number Outer
backgroundLeftCap Number Outer
backgroundRepeat Boolean Outer
color String title, icon
shadowOffset Object title, icon
shadowColor String title, icon
font Font title, icon For the icon, font.fontFamily is ignored and font.fontSize can be overrulled by iconSize
textAlign String title Only when width is set
verticalAlign String title Only when height is set
opacity Number outer
visible Boolean outer
bubbleParent Boolean outer

Public interface

Method Description
applyProperties() Main method for setting up and changing the button
show() Shows button
hide() Hides button
setIcon([icon], ]iconFont]) Changes the icon
getIcon() Returns an { icon:, iconFont } object
setTitle(title) Changes the title
getTitle() Returns the title
setTitleid(titleid) Changes the titleid
getTitleid() Returns the titleid
setStyle(style) Applies the style
getStyle() Returns the style name
addEventListener(event, callback) Attaches event listener
removeEventListener(event, callback) Removes event listener
fireEvent(event, dictionary) Fires event on the button
id Holds the id of the widget, so you have this in events

Ideas for improvement

Feel free to help me improve this widget by forking and submitting pull requests or issues with more ideas. Here's my whishlist:

  • Add more custom and run-time style examples to the 4th demo app tab.
  • Add more iOS button styles, like those in the navigation bar.
  • Add several Android system styles.
  • Add Foundation and other well-known button styles.
  • Add 'system' style that picks the right iOS or Android system style.
  • Support more icon fonts.
  • Support focusStyle for Android.


  • 1.4 BREAKING: For font icons you now have to give the unicode, no longer supports names!
  • 1.3 Exposing creation properties via e.source. Fixed Android pass throughs.
  • 1.2.2 Fixed iconSize not being retained. Added bubbleParent.
  • 1.2.1 Fixed icon-bug, added new setters and getters
  • 1.2 Added image icons, titleid, setStyle, backgroundImage, textAlign, verticalAlign
  • 1.1 Added iconSize, setTitle, setIcon
  • 1.0 Initial version


This project is licensed under the Apache Public License (Version 2). Please see the LICENSE.txt file for the full license.

The Font Awesome font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License. The Font Awesome pictograms are licensed under the CC BY 3.0 License. Attribution is no longer required in Font Awesome 3.0, but much appreciated.

You can get Ligature Symbols for free. This Font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License for download and using. Ligature Symbols has broad support for the modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, iOS - Mobile Safari, Android Browser).

Appcelerator, Appcelerator Titanium and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Appcelerator, Inc.

Titanium is Copyright (c) 2008-2012 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Titanium is licensed under the Apache Public License (Version 2). Please see the LICENSE file for the full license.