pyioc is a set of tools to handle IOC files ( Some simple utilities for parsing IOC files: spit out the indicator items being referenced parse the boolean logic behind the IOC and the items referenced. pyiocClient: A client for linux/windows that handles basic searches for Files, processes, registry items and ports. It compiles to native linux/windows 32 or 64bit code via pyinstaller and can therefore be run with no python interpreter on the client system. pyiocServer: The server-side compliment to the client. It dishes out .ioc files to clients that call in via SOAP over SSL and logs the results of the client checks. IOCs can be tailored by a simple directory structure corresponding to the net CIDR mask of the client system. i.e. iocs/172.21-16/firefox.ioc will issue the firefox.ioc to any system inthe ip range when the client is run. Python library prereqs python 2.7 Client: SOAPpy M2Crypto psutil lxml v2.3.2 ( pip install lxml==2.3.2 ) regobj pefile python-magic python-dateutil Server: SOAPpy M2Crypto netaddr If you're on linux you can get the libs through your favorite package manager or via pip. On windows x64, pip or through the following sources: win64 python2.7 psutil: exe lxml : .exe m2crypto: exe soappy: pip install soappy pywin32: exe pyinstaller: Native builds for various platforms can be found in the builds directory. Notes on Setup for the server: It expects several subdirectories to exist: ./certs ./confs ./iocs ./certs should contain at least: ca.crt pyiocserver.pem pyiocserver.key which you can create using the script, use the default from github (note the risk that you're using a publically available 'private' key) or ideally; use your internal CA. The confs directory is your chance to issue configuration files to pyiocClients in real time. The iocs directory is where you create netblocks (./iocs/172.21-16 for example) and publish .ioc files you want the clients to process.