Simple node.js pass-through stream (RW) which calculates the a crypto digest (sha/md5 hash) of a stream and also the length. Pipe your stream through this to get digest and length. (streams2)
- arystan-swAlmaty, Kazakhstan
- avetiskParis, FRANCE
- barbagrigiaSaint Petersburg
- derhuerstfreelancer
- dongchiruaUniversity of Wollongong
- DrPaulBrewer@eaftc
- four43Minneapolis, MN
- FreakTheMightyLos Angeles, CA
- holajiaweiHome
- jasonblanchardEmployee Cycle
- jimpickHex.Camp
- joelpurrajoelpurra dot com
- kadishmalMancho Devs
- kamikatInfervision
- lygstate
- mausconiParis
- mhnagaokaVisto Tecnologia
- opexxxNeedToKnow Ltd.
- peterfirst
- qinixBeijing, China
- QuanticPotatoFrance
- quantumewMinnesota, USA
- ReeganExECommonwealth Bank VN
- rossj@GoldFynch
- tailsuScanbot @doo
- webgliderCornell University
- Whoaa512@teslamotors
- winfriedjacobsCologne, Germany
- yhc44@codecreationlabs