
An app that accepts a user's travel destination and dates, then returns a weather forecast for that location on those dates. Demonstrates knowledge of Webpack, Jest, NPM, Express, environment variables to protect API keys, and API calls from server side. Final project in the Front End Web Design Nanodegree from Udacity.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Travel Weather App - Final Project for Udacity's Front End Web Design Nanodegree


This project takes a user's destination location and travel dates to return a weather forecast for their trip. There are 3 APIs used:

Local server running on Node and Express is used.


This project runs on a local server. It uses Node. If you don't have Node already installed on your machine, you can download it here.

You must have an API key for each of the 3 APIs above.

After you get your API keys, make a file called .env in the project root folder. File should contain:

GEONAMES_KEY = {your key here}
WEATHERBIT_KEY = {your key here}
PIXABAY_KEY = {your key here}

There is an included file called .env-sample. You may add your keys to this template file, then change its name to .env


If Node is installed, then you can use the Node Package Manager (npm) to install the packages needed to run this program. In the terminal, use this command:

npm install

When those packages have installed, use the following commands to run the development server, build the production, and start the express server, respectively. Note that dev runs webpack-dev-server and has hot-loading enabled.

npm run dev
npm run build
npm run start

Using the App

The server is set to port 8081. Start the server with the command in the previous section.

To load the page, set your browser's address bar to:


The app takes 4 user parameters:

  • Destination city (required) - The city/location where you'll travel to. App will return an error if the API can't find it. Not case-sensitive, but spelling is important. If your entry is returning a place with the same name in a different country, you can add the country to the input box, for example:
Sydney Canada
  • Departure date (required) - You can choose any date from today until 15 days from now. The weather forecast API has a limit of 16 days, so if your trip departs after this, please check back closer to your departure date.
  • Return date (required) - You can enter any date on or after your departure date. The limit for the weather forecast is 15 days from today (16 days including today). If your return date is later than that, the forecast won't show those days over 15 from today.
  • Units (required, default metric) - You can choose metric or imperial units:
    • metric:
      • for temperature
      • m/s for wind speed
      • mm for precipitation amount
    • imperial:
      • for temperature
      • mph for wind speed
      • in for precipitation amount

Press the Submit button when all data have been entered.

The app returns an image for the destination location. If it can't find one for that particular city/location, it will choose one for the country the location is in instead. You can change the image randomly by clicking the Change Image button.

The app returns a forecast card for each date of the trip, up until a maximum of 15 days after today. Each card contains the following information:

  • date
  • icon for the weather condition
  • text for the weather condition
  • high temperature
  • low temperature
  • relative humidity
  • chance of precipitation
  • precipitation amount
  • snow amount
  • wind speed
  • wind direction in degrees

The app uses the browser's local storage to save the last set of data that was entered, including the trip destination, photo and weather forecast. This information should load when you come back to the page. It can be overwritten with a new set of data if you enter new values and press the Submit button again. If you want to clear the storage and start fresh, click the Clear Saved Data button, which will clear local storage and reload the page.