
Klout measures influence on topics across the social web to find the people the world listens to

Primary LanguageRuby

Klout measures influence on topics across the social web to find the people the world listens to

See http://klout.com for more information about their service


sudo gem install klout

Usage and Example

>> require 'rubygems'
>> require 'klout'
>> Klout.api_key = "yourkloutapikey"
>> Klout.score('jasontorres')
=> {"user"=>{"kscore"=>19.74, "status"=>200, "status_message"=>"OK"}}
>> Klout.profile('jasontorres')
 {"user"=>{"score"=>{"slope"=>0, "kscore"=>"19.7429", "kclass"=>"connector", "true_reach"=>"195", "amplification_score"=>"0", "kscore_description"=>"", "network_score"=>"0", "kclass_description"=>"You are a constant source of information to your friends and co-workers. There is a good chance that you probably introduced several of your friends to Twitter. Your taste and opinion is respected and your judgment is trusted.", "date_updated"=>"2009-07-09 00:59:08"}, "twitter_screen_name"=>"jasontorres", "status"=>200, "twitter_id"=>"406073", "status_message"=>"OK"}}
Disclaimer: Author is not anyway involved w/ Klout.com

Klout is a copyright trademark of Klout.com

MIT License