
A small template app for iOS books. We have code in the directions portion of the README!

Primary LanguageObjective-C

##iOS Template app for App Services

This is a basic Books app that will be built using Objective-C, XCode, and StoryBoards.

Some important point code snippets.

Things that the template is missing

TODOs for completion

  1. Setup segue to the new book view named @"newBook"
  2. Setup outlets in detail view for the following properties
    • Title
    • Author
    • UUID
  3. Setup client intialization
  4. Setup lookup of all books
    • Make sure the objects appear in the _objects array
    • Set title text of cell to the book title
  5. Setup Adding a new book
  6. Setup deleting a book
  7. Bonus! Implement a search bar in the master view that uses a query to look a book up by title.

Initializing our Objetive-C SDK.

self.client = [[UGClient alloc] initWithOrganizationId:@"YOUR APIGEE.COM USERNAME" withApplicationID:@"sandbox"];

Creating an entity with a NSMutableDictionary Literal

NSMutableDictionary *book = @{ @"type":@"book", @"title":"The Great Gatsby", @"author":@"Fitzgerald"}; 
UGClientResponse *response = [self.client createEntity:book];
//Lets check if our response was accepted by the server, and add the created object to a collection called _objects
if (response.transactionState == kUGClientResponseSuccess) {
    [_objects insertObject:response.response[@"entities"][0] atIndex:0];

Deleting a book

[self.tableView beginUpdates];
[_objects removeObjectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSDictionary *entity = [_objects objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
UGClientResponse * response = [self.client removeEntity:@"book" entityID:entity[@"uuid"]];
if (response.transactionState == kUGClientResponseSuccess) {
   [tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
[self.tableView endUpdates];

Retrieving books from your UserGrid account.

//Getting all of your books without a filtering query.
UGClientResponse *result = [self.client getEntities:@"book" query:nil];
if (result.transactionState == kUGClientResponseSuccess) {
   _objects = result.response[@"entities"];
} else {
   _objects = @[];

Implementing a search bar delegate method to search for books with a query

-(void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar {
    UGQuery * query = [[UGQuery alloc] init];
    [query addRequirement:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"title='%@'", searchBar.text]];
    UGClientResponse *result = [self.client getEntities:@"book" query:query];
    if (result.transactionState == kUGClientResponseSuccess) {
        _objects = result.response[@"entities"];
    } else {
        _objects = @[];
    [self.tableView reloadData];
  1. Clone Repo
  2. Open in XCode
  3. Click Play