
Workbook tracking progress in GSOC2020

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Welcome to my GSOC2020 workbook!

This is a work diary of all my progress in GSOC2020.

If you are interested in reading my blog posts about the experience, head over to my website and check out any posts with the GSOC tag.

This will mostly be for coding attempts, building out testing, and writing notebooks.

The repository is organized as follows:

│   README.md
│   Sauer_GSOC2020_ESDA.pdf # Original GSOC proposal
└───scratch                 # this is where my work on coding up the estimators
│   │   LOSH_workbook.ipynb
|   |   migration.ipynb
│   │   ...
└───review                  # this is where I review papers and key concepts
|   │   OLJC_workbook_paper_review.ipynb
|   │   ...
└───functions               # this is where the 'final' or 'polished' functions reside
|   |   LOSH.py  
|   |   Local_Join_Counts.py
|   |   ...
└───validation              # notebooks validating the functions on toy and real-world data
|   |   Validation_LOSH.ipynb
|   |   Validation_LJC_univariate.ipynb
|   |   Validation_LJC_bivariate.ipynb
|   |   Validation_LJC_multivariate.ipynb
|   |   ...
└───tests                   # this is where the function tests reside
|   |   LOSH.py  
|   |   Local_Join_Counts.py
|   |   ...
└───blog_drafts             # this is where I draft GSOC blog posts throughout the week!
|   |   LOSH.py  
|   |   Local_Join_Counts.py
|   |   ...