
hipBLASLt is a library that provides general matrix-matrix operations with a flexible API and extends functionalities beyond a traditional BLAS library

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


hipBLASLt is a library that provides general matrix-matrix operations. It has a flexible API that extends functionalities beyond a traditional BLAS library, such as adding flexibility to matrix data layouts, input types, compute types, and algorithmic implementations and heuristics.

hipBLASLt uses the HIP programming language with an underlying optimized generator as its backend kernel provider.

After you specify a set of options for a matrix-matrix operation, you can reuse these for different inputs. The general matrix-multiply (GEMM) operation is performed by the hipblasLtMatmul API.

The equation is:

$$D = Activation(alpha \cdot op(A) \cdot op(B) + beta \cdot op(C) + bias)$$

Where op( ) refers to in-place operations, such as transpose and non-transpose, and alpha and beta are scalars.

The activation function supports GELU and ReLU. the bias vector matches matrix D rows and broadcasts to all D columns.

The following table provides data type support. Note that fp8 and bf8 are only supported on the gfx94x platform.

A B C D Compute(Scale)
fp32 fp32 fp32 fp32 fp32
fp16 fp16 fp16 fp16 fp32
fp16 fp16 fp16 fp32 fp32
bf16 bf16 bf16 bf16 fp32
fp8 fp8/bf8 fp32 fp32 fp32
fp8 fp8/bf8 fp16 fp16 fp32
bf8 fp8 fp32 fp32 fp32
bf8 fp8 fp16 fp16 fp32


Full documentation for hipBLASLt is available at rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/hipBLASLt.

Run the steps below to build documentation locally.

cd docs

pip3 install -r .sphinx/requirements.txt

python3 -m sphinx -T -E -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en . _build/html


To install hipBLASLt, you must meet the following requirements:

Required hardware:

  • gfx90a card
  • gfx94x card

Required software:

  • Git
  • CMake 3.16.8 or later
  • python3.7 or later
  • python3.7-venv or later
  • AMD ROCm, version 5.5 or later
  • hipBLAS (for the header file)

Build and install

You can build hipBLASLt using the install.sh script:

# Clone hipBLASLt using git
git clone https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/hipBLASLt

# Go to hipBLASLt directory
cd hipBLASLt

# Run install.sh script
# Command line options:
#   -h|--help         - prints help message
#   -i|--install      - install after build
#   -d|--dependencies - install build dependencies
#   -c|--clients      - build library clients too (combines with -i & -d)
#   -g|--debug        - build with debug flag
./install.sh -idc

Unit tests

All unit tests are located in build/release/clients/staging/. To build these tests, you must build hipBLASLt with --clients.

You can find more information at the following links:


If you want to submit an issue, you can do so on GitHub.

To contribute to our repository, you can create a GitHub pull request.