
InfluxDB driver for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status Coverage Status Hex.pm

InfluxDB driver for Elixir


This module has experimental parts that may change unexpectedly.

Tested influxdb versions:

  • 1.0.2
  • 1.1.5
  • 1.2.3

(see .travis.yml to be sure)


Add Instream as a dependency to your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
  [{ :instream, "~> 0.15" }]

You should also update your applications to include all necessary projects:

def application do
  [ applications: [ :instream ]]

Note: If you are reading this on GitHub then the information in this file may be out of sync with the Hex package. If you are using this library through Hex please refer to the appropriate documentation on HexDocs (link available on Hex).


To run the tests you need to have the http-authentication enabled.

Using the statements from the .travis.yml you can generate all necessary users for the tests with their proper privileges.

The test suite will automatically exclude tests not working for your current environment. This includes checking the available InfluxDB version and OTP release.

If you have not configured your InfluxDB testing instance to provide an UDP endpoint to the "test_database", you can exclude these tests manually:

mix test --exclude udp


Note: Most queries require a database to operate on. The following places will be searched (in order from top to bottom) for a configured database:

  1. opts[:database] parameter
  2. Series struct (if used)
  3. Connection configuration
  4. No database used!


Defining a connection requires defining a module:

defmodule MyApp.MyConnection do
  use Instream.Connection, otp_app: :my_app

The :otp_app name and the name of the module can be freely chosen. They only need to be linked to an entry in your config.exs:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyConnection,
  database:  "my_default_database",
  host:      "localhost",
  http_opts: [ insecure: true, proxy: "http://company.proxy" ],
  pool:      [ max_overflow: 0, size: 1 ],
  port:      8086,
  scheme:    "http",
  writer:    Instream.Writer.Line

Configuration can be done statically (as shown above) or by referencing your system environment:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyConnection,
  port: { :system, "MY_ENV_VARIABLE" }

You now have a connection definition you can hook into your supervision tree:

  [ MyApp.MyConnection.child_spec ],
  strategy: :one_for_one

Runtime and Compile Time Configuration

The full connection configuration is split into two parts, compile time and runtime configuration.

Compile time configuration are, as the name implies, used during compilation for the connection module. Currently the only key in this category is :loggers.

All other values are runtime configuration values that are directly accessed from the application environment using Application.get_env(connection_otp_app, connection_module) and therefore can be changed without recompilation:

old_config = MyConnection.config()
new_config = Keyword.put(old_config, :host, "changed.host")
:ok        = Application.put_env(:my_otp_app, MyConnection, new_config)

Default Connection Values

Only the host key is mandatory for a connection configuration. The following values will be used as defaults if no other value is set:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyConnection,
  pool:   [ max_overflow: 10, size: 5 ],
  port:   8086,
  scheme: "http",
  writer: Instream.Writer.Line

This also means that per default the connection uses no authentication.

HTTP Client Configuration

Internally all requests are done using :hackney.

The configuration key :http_opts is directly passed to the client process. Parts of it are also used internally by :hackney to control more generic behaviour (request pool to be used and it's configuration).

Please see :hackney.request/5 for a complete list of available options.

Setting the :http_opts key when calling a connection method allows usage of per-call options. The options are merged with the connection options and then passed on.


To connect to an influxdb instance with http_auth enabled you have to configure your credentials:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyConnection,
  auth: [ method: :basic, username: "root", password: "root" ]

For method you can choose between header authentication (basic auth) using :basic or query parameters using :query. If nothing or an invalid value is given the connection will be made using :basic authentication.

Writer Configuration

If you are using the regular line protocol writer Instream.Writer.Line you are done without having anything to configure. It is used by default and connects to the port you have configured for connection.

To write points over UDP you can adjust your configuration:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyConnection,
  host:     "localhost",
  port_udp: 8089,
  writer:   Instream.Writer.UDP

The connection will then write using UDP and connecting to the port :port_udp. All non-write queries will be send to the regular :port you have configured.


All queries are (by default) logged using Logger.debug/1 via the default logging module Instream.Log.DefaultLogger. To customize logging you have to alter the configuration of your connection:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyConnection,
  loggers: [
    { FirstLogger,  :log_fun, [] },
    { SecondLogger, :log_fun, [ :additional, :args ]}

This configuration replaces the default logging module.

Configuration is given as a tuple of { module, function, arguments }. The log entry will be inserted as the first argument of the method call. It will be one of Instream.Log.PingEntry, Instream.Log.QueryEntry, Instream.Log.StatusEntry or Instream.Log.WriteEntry, depending on what type of request should be logged.

Please be aware that every logger has to return the entry it received in order to allow combining multiple loggers.

In addition to query specific information every entry carries metadata around:

  • :query_time: milliseconds it took to send request and receive the response
  • response_status: status code or 0 if not applicable/available

When using the default logger you have to re-configure :logger to be able to get them printed:

config :logger, :console,
  format: "\n$time $metadata[$level] $levelpad$message\n",
  metadata: [ :application, :pid, :query_time, :response_status ]

Warning: In order to log the :pid (provided by :logger) used to send the queries you need to have at least elixir ~> 1.1.0. Any earlier version will fail because the String.Chars protocol was not implemented for pids at that time.

To prevent a query from logging you can pass an option to the execute call:

query |> MyApp.MyConnection.execute(log: false)

# also works with convenience methods
MyApp.MyConnection.ping(log: false)

Ping / Status / Version

To validate a connection you can send ping requests to the server:


The response will be :pong on success or :error on any failure.

To ping "a host other than the first in your configuration" you can pass it explicitly:


All values necessary to ping the host (scheme, port, ...) will be taken from the connection used. It does not matter whether the host is configured in that connection or not.

To get InfluxDB to verify the status of your server you can send a status call:


If you are interested in the version of InfluxDB your server is reporting you can request it:


If the version if undetectable (no header returned) it will be reported as "unknown". If the host is unreachable or an error occured the response will be :error.


Every query can be executed asynchronously by passing [async: true] to MyApp.MyConnection.execute(). The result will then always be an immediate :ok without waiting for the query to be actually executed.

By default the response of a query will be a map decoded from your server's JSON response.

Alternatively you can pass [result_as: format] to MyApp.MyConnection.execute/2 to change the result format to one of the following:

  • :csv - CSV encoded response
  • :json - JSON encoded response (implicit default)
  • :raw - Raw server format (JSON string)

Administrative Queries

Managing Databases:

# create "my_database"
|> Instream.Admin.Database.create()
|> MyApp.MyConnection.execute()

# drop "my_database"
|> Instream.Admin.Database.drop()
|> MyApp.MyConnection.execute()

Managing Retention Policies:

# create "my_rp" retention policy
# argument order: policy, database, duration, replication, default
  "my_rp", "my_database", "1h", 3, true
|> MyApp.MyConnection.execute()

# drop "my_rp" retention policy
Instream.Admin.RetentionPolicy.drop("my_rp", "my_database")
|> MyApp.MyConnection.execute()

Data Queries

Please see the point "Series Definitions" on how to write data to your InfluxDB database.

Reading data:

# passing database to execute/1
"SELECT * FROM some_measurement"
|> MyApp.MyConnection.query(database: "my_database")

# defining database in the query
"SELECT * FROM \"my_database\".\"default\".\"some_measurement\""
|> MyApp.MyConnection.query()

# passing precision (= epoch) for query results
"SELECT * FROM some_measurement"
|> MyApp.MyConnection.query(precision: :minutes)

POST Queries

Some queries require you to switch from the regular read only context (all GET requets) to a write context (all POST requests).

When not using the query build you have to pass that information manually to execute/2:

"CREATE DATABASE create_in_write_mode"
|> MyApp.MyConnection.execute(method: :post)

Query Timeout Configuration

Using all default values and no specific parameters each query is allowed to take up to 5000 milliseconds (GenServer.call/2 timeout) to complete. That may be too long or not long enough in some cases.

To change that timeout you can configure your connection:

# lowering timeout to 500 ms
config :my_app,
    query_timeout: 500

or pass an individual timeout for a single query:

MyApp.MyConnection.execute(query, timeout: 250)

A passed or connection wide timeout configuration override any :recv_timeout of your :hackney (HTTP client) configuration.

This does not apply to write requests. They are currently only affected by configured :recv_timeout values. Setting a connection timeout enables you to have a different timeout for read and write requests.

Query Builder

Experimental definition! Will change often and unexpected! (or may disappear...)

Using the query builder you can avoid writing your select statements by hand:

import Instream.Query.Builder

# SELECT one, or, more, fields FROM some_measurement
|> select([ "one", "or", "more", "fields" ])
|> MyApp.MyConnection.query()

# SELECT * FROM some_measurement WHERE binary = 'foo' AND numeric = 42
|> where(%{ binary: "foo", numeric: 42 })
|> MyApp.MyConnection.query()

Series Definitions

If you do not want to define the raw maps for writing data you can pre-define a series for later usage:

defmodule MySeries do
  use Instream.Series

  series do
    database    "my_database"
    measurement "my_measurement"

    tag :bar
    tag :foo

    field :value

Default Values

You can include a default value for tags and fields in your series definition:

series do
  measurement "my_measurement"

  tag :host, default: "www"

  field :value, default: 100

These values will be pre-assigned when using the data struct. All fields or tags without a default value will be set to nil.

Writing Series Points

You can then use this module to assemble a data point (one at a time) for writing:

data = %MySeries{}
data = %{ data | fields: %{ data.fields | value: 17 }}
data = %{ data | tags:   %{ data.tags   | bar: "bar", foo: "foo" }}

And then write one or many at once:

|> MyApp.MyConnection.write()

# write the point asynchronously
|> MyApp.MyConnection.write(async: true)

# write to a specific database
|> MyApp.MyConnection.write(database: "my_database")

# write multiple points at once
[ point_1, point_2, point_3 ]
|> MyApp.MyConnection.write()

If you want to pass an explicit timestamp to the database you can use the key :timestamp:

data = %MySeries{}
data = %{ data | timestamp: 1439587926000000000 }

The timestamp is (by default) expected to be a nanosecond unix timestamp. To use different precision (for all points in this write operation!) you can change this value by modifying your write call:

data = %MySeries{}
data = %{ data | timestamp: 1439587926 }

|> MyApp.MyConnection.write([ async: true, precision: :second ])

If you want to specify the target retention policy name for the write, you can do so like this (line protocol only!):

|> MyApp.MyConnection.write(retention_policy: "two_weeks")

Supported precision types are:

  • :hour
  • :minute
  • :second
  • :millisecond
  • :microsecond
  • :nanosecond

Please be aware that the UDP protocol writer does not support custom timestamp precisions. All UDP timestamps are implicitly expected to already be at nanosecond precision.

Note: While it is possible to write multiple points a once it is currently not supported to write them to individual databases. The first point written defines the database, other values are silently ignored!


Apache License, Version 2.0