Challenge 2 API Server

Deadline: 1537513199 MST

The Challenge

We are building an api server that will take the provided data.json file in the root of the repo load it into memory and serve that data via REST endpoints.

Upon start the service will load the json file and store it in memory. then be able to update delete, or add to it.

The requirements

  • Must implement all endpoints mapped out below\
  • Should listen on, or
  • Must have at the following cli flags
    • a flag to set the port

The endpoints

  • /comments:
    • Method: GET
    • Status Code Success: 200
    • Desc: get all the comments
    • Payload:
    "id": 32,
    "name": "dolorem architecto ut pariatur quae qui suscipit",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"
  • /comments?size=10&from=1
    • Method: GET
    • Status Code Success: 200
    • Query String:
      • size: how many comments to return
      • from: offset of comments to return
    • Desc: Only get a selected amount of comments starting with the from offset
      • from: 1 == array[0]
    • Payload:
    "id": 32,
    "name": "dolorem architecto ut pariatur quae qui suscipit",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"
  • /comments/{:id}
    • Method: GET
    • Status Code Success: 200
    • Params:
      • id: id to specific comment
    • Desc: Get a single comment by ID
    • Payload:
    "id": 32,
    "name": "dolorem architecto ut pariatur quae qui suscipit",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"
  • /comments
    • Method: POST
    • Status Code Success: 201
    • Desc: based on the
    • Input:
    "name": "dolorem architecto ut pariatur quae qui suscipit",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"
  • Payload:
    "id": 33,
    "name": "dolorem architecto ut pariatur quae qui suscipit",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"
  • /comments/{:id}
    • Method: PUT
    • Status Code Success: 202
    • Desc: based on the
    • Input:
    "id": 33,
    "name": "Changed",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"
  • Payload:
    "id": 33,
    "name": "Changed",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"
  • /comments/{:id}
    • Method: DELETE
    • Status Code Success: 202
    • Desc: based on the
    • Payload:
    "id": 33,
    "name": "Changed",
    "email": "",
    "body": "nihil ea itaque libero illo\nofficiis quo quo dicta inventore consequatur voluptas voluptatem\ncorporis sed necessitatibus velit tempore\nrerum velit et temporibus"

How we are going to test

  • We will use the wrk benchmark tool
    • I will setup and put any scripts in this repo
    • I will try to make it out put to a file that can be posted in this repo
  • I will setup 2 digital ocean unspecified Linux droplets
    • first will host the server. This will run one service at a time
    • second will be for the client. This will host the wrk tool and a script to run it

How to add your project to this challenge

  • You can fork the repo and and do a pull request to this (upstream repo)
  • Please use the following directory structure:
    • /gitroot/githubusernme/languagename/projectroot
      • git root: is the root dir of the cloned git repo
      • github username: so we know who submitted it
      • language name: name of your project language
        • I added this so you may try the challenge in multiple languages if you please
        • please keep the name simmple without any special characters
          • C# should be csharp and not c# or c-sharp
      • project root: is where your project lives
        • example: with rust i run cargo new project --bin the src/ Cargo.toml Cargo.lock should live in project root