
Firefox scrambled display in Octoprint mode

billsey opened this issue · 6 comments


I haven't got it all setup yet, just fired it up yesterday for a while, then installed the camera today. A page refresh on this times out, a second refresh gave me this again.

I don't think I have the https version working right. Is it possible you are connected to the https://whatever?.

That looks like the main file is loading fine, but the supporting fold aren't.

I'm thinking it's timeouts when loading the page, the first part gets through but it eventually fails due to the delay. I fired up a second Pi with the same configuration and I'm not even getting that one on the network at all. I wonder if they can conflict with each other when operating too closely together? They're both from Canakit and the first one I purchased from them was fine.

I think they will both have the same hostname (v1pi) and that will cause them to act funny. You can change them with raspiconfig or change it in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.

Bill, did you ever get this one figured out? Did the second hostname fix it?

Hey Bill, Do you have any more info on this? Have you been using v1pi, or did you just give up? I haven't seen anything like this in my testing.