Uma copia Gratis do repositorio Razan.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Typing Animation


🛠️ Setup

STEP 1: Fork this GitHub Repository


STEP 2: Create a MongoDB Account and Database


STEP 3: Create an SMTP Email Account

How to Create a Free SMTP Email

STEP 4: Create a Render Account

Create Account

  1. Create a new web service.
  2. Connect your GitHub account and select the forked repository.
  3. Set the build command to npm install.
  4. Set the start command to npm start.
  5. Click on "Advanced" and add the following environment variables:
mongodb = "Your MongoDB Database Key"
sendemail = 'Your SMTP Email'
fromsendemail = 'Same as SMTP Email'
sendpwmail = "SMTP Email Password"
recaptcha_key_1 = 'Your reCAPTCHA V1 Key'
recaptcha_key_2 = 'Your reCAPTCHA V2 Key'

Get Apikey Recaptcha From https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create

  1. Create the web service.
  2. After successful deployment, add your website's domain to the settings file and update the reCAPTCHA keys in the environment variables.

⚙️ Configuration

Edit the file settings.js for the following configurations:

Change the Creator's name.
Change the port.
Adjust the API key limit.

🚀 Usage

Start the application with:

npm start


npm run node

✨ Features

Script Features

  • Login
  • Sign Up
  • No Temporary Email
  • Anti-Spam Email
  • Email Verification
  • Change Password
  • Database
  • API Key Limit with Auto Reset
  • Anti-Error

API Features

  • Downloader
  • Text Pro
  • Photooxy
  • Sound Of Text
  • Search
  • Random Images
  • Games
  • Maker
  • Link Shortener
  • Information
  • Tools
  • Islamic

🌍 Deployment

👏 Support Deploy Free

Deploy to Render Run on Repl.it

💳 Credits