
Repositório para contribuição e atualização de códigos

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Who we are

  • We are a team of data scientists working on a project with the goal of identifying opportunities for customer sustainability;
  • Considering the database, values, and products, as well as the services within the OLIST ecosystem;
  • Following this preliminary analysis, we have arrived at a potential OLIST persona

Main persona's problem

  • Lacks visibility into revenue forecasts and demand (frequently runs out of stock)
  • Lack of support in marketing and sales, operations, and finance
  • Lack of capital to invest in improvements to increase revenue, delivery reach, new customers and earnings. Need to amplify the importance of customer loyalty.

Job to be done

  • Every order is important.
  • Positive purchasing experiences ensure sustainability in revenue generation.

Some insights

  1. The majority of purchases made on Olist are of low value.
  2. It's likely that the profile of sellers is that of small business owners.
  3. Between 2017 and 2018, the majority of sellers would be classified as MEI.

How we are going to offer a solution?

Analysis of ratings and reviews.

  • Was any purchase from the same seller made by the same buyer after a negative review?

How might we?

  • How can we offer solutions to assist Olist clients to increasing the purchase recurrence of his customers?