Property Based Testing for Objective-C and Swift. Automatic generation of software tests.
You might have heard of this or similar technologies through the various genres of testing frameworks and/or libraries:
- Haskell QuickCheck
- Clojure test.check
- Erlang QuickCheck (most advanced but commerical)
- Property Based Testing
- Model Based Testing
- Simulation Testing
Fox is a port of test.check for Objective-C. Unlike some ports of QuickCheck, Fox does implement shrinking (test.check does implement that too).
Test generation can provide better coverage than example-based tests. Instead of having to manually code test cases, Fox can generate tests for you.
The simpliest of test generation is providing random data. Fox can generate them for use if you can define specifications -- known properties of the subject under test:
FOXAssert(FOXForAll(FOXTuple(@[FOXInteger(), FOXInteger()]), ^BOOL(NSArray *values){
NSInteger x = [tuple[0] integerValue];
NSInteger y = [tuple[1] integerValue];
return x + y > x;
Once a failing example is produced, Fox will attempt to find the smallest possible example that also exhibits the same failure:
Property failed with: @[@0, @0].
How can you test stateful APIs? Represent the state changes as data! Using a state machine, define a model of how your API is suppose to work. Here's one for a queue:
// define a state machine. Model state is the state of your application and
// can be represented with any object you want -- Fox does not interpret it.
FOXFiniteStateMachine *stateMachine = [[FOXFiniteStateMachine alloc] initWithInitialModelState:@[]];
// Adds a transition to the state machine:
// - The API to test is -[addObject:]
// - The generator for the argument is a random integer in an NSNumber
// - A block indicating how to update the model state. This should not mutate the original model state.
[stateMachine addTransition:[FOXTransition byCallingSelector:@selector(addObject:)
nextModelState:^id(NSArray *modelState, id generatedValue) {
return [modelState arrayByAddingObject:generatedValue];
// Add a custom transition (see FOXStateTransition protocol)
[stateMachine addTransition:[[QueueRemoveTransition alloc] init]];
Now, you can generate tests that exercise an API:
// Generate a sequence of commands executed on the given subject. Since
// this will generate multiple tests, you also give a block of a subject.
id<FOXGenerator> executedCommands = FOXExecuteCommands(stateMachine, ^id {
return [FOXQueue new];
// Verify if the executed commands validated the API conformed to the state machine.
FOXRunnerResult *result = [FOXSpecHelper resultForAll:executedCommands
then:^BOOL(NSArray *commands) {
return FOXExecutedSuccessfully(commands);
// result will shrinking to the small sequence of API calls to trigger the
// failure if there is one
Read more at the latest documentation.
From the documentation.
Fox can be installed in multiple ways. If you don't have a preference, install via git submodule.
Fox honors semantic versioning as humanly possible. If you're unsure if a given update is backwards incompatible with your usage. Check out the releases.
Add Fox as a submodule to your project:
$ git submodule add Externals/Fox
If you don't want bleeding edge, check out the particular tag of the version:
$ cd Externals/Fox
$ git checkout v1.0.1
Add Fox.xcodeproj
to your Xcode project (not Fox.xcworkspace
). Then
link Fox-iOS or Fox-OSX to your test target.
And you're all set up! Dive right in by following the tutorial.
Add to your Podfile for you test target to have the latest stable version of Fox:
pod 'Fox', '~>1.0.0'
And then pod install
And you're all set up! Dive right in by following the tutorial.
If you want to see examples of usages, see the full reference.
There are many data generators provided for generating data. Most of these generators shrink to zero:
- Numerically zero (or as close as possible)
- Empty collection (or at least shrunk items)
Function | Generates | Description |
FOXInteger | NSNumber * | Generates random integers |
FOXPositiveInteger | NSNumber * | Generates random zero or positive integers |
FOXNegativeInteger | NSNumber * | Generates random zero or negative integers |
FOXStrictPositiveInteger | NSNumber * | Generates random positive integers (non-zero) |
FOXStrictNegativeInteger | NSNumber * | Generates random negative integers (non-zero) |
FOXChoose | NSNumber * | Generates random integers between the given range (inclusive) |
FOXFloat | NSNumber * | Generates random floats that conform to the IEEE standard. |
FOXDouble | NSNumber * | Generates random doubles that conforms to the IEEE standard. |
FOXDecimalNumber | NSNumber * | Generates random decimal numbers. |
FOXReturn | id | Always returns the given value. Does not shrink |
FOXTuple | NSArray * | Generates random fixed-sized arrays of generated values. Values generated are in the same order as the generators provided. |
FOXTupleOfGenerators | NSArray * | Generates random fixed-sized arrays of generated values. Values generated are in the same order as the generators provided. |
FOXArray | NSArray * | Generates random variable-sized arrays of generated values. |
FOXArrayOfSize | NSArray * | Generates random fixed-sized arrays of generated values. Values generated are in the same order as the generators provided. |
FOXArrayOfSizeRange | NSArray * | Generates random variable-sized arrays of generated values. Array size is within the given range (inclusive). |
FOXDictionary | NSDictionary * | Generates random dictionaries of generated values. Keys are known values ahead of time. Specified in @{<key>: <generator>} form. |
FOXSet | NSSet * | Generates random sets of a given generated values. |
FOXCharacter | NSString * | Generates random 1-length sized character string. May be an unprintable character. |
FOXAlphabetCharacter | NSString * | Generates random 1-length sized character string. Only generates alphabetical letters. |
FOXNumericCharacter | NSString * | Generates random 1-length sized character string. Only generates digits. |
FOXAlphanumericCharacter | NSString * | Generates random 1-length sized character string. Only generates alphanumeric. |
FOXAsciiCharacter | NSString * | Generates random 1-length sized character string. Only generates ascii characters. |
FOXString | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings. May be an unprintable string. |
FOXStringOfLength | NSString * | Generates random fixed length strings. May be an unprintable string. |
FOXStringOfLengthRange | NSString * | Generates random length strings within the given range (inclusive). May be an unprintable string. |
FOXAsciiString | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings. Only generates ascii characters. |
FOXAsciiStringOfLength | NSString * | Generates random fixed length strings. Only generates ascii characters. |
FOXAsciiStringOfLengthRange | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings within the given range (inclusive). Only generates ascii characters. |
FOXAlphabeticalString | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings. Only generates alphabetical characters. |
FOXAlphabeticalStringOfLength | NSString * | Generates random fixed length strings. Only generates alphabetical characters. |
FOXAlphabeticalStringOfLengthRange | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings within the given range (inclusive). Only generates alphabetical characters. |
FOXAlphanumericalString | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings. Only generates alphabetical characters. |
FOXAlphanumericalStringOfLength | NSString * | Generates random fixed length strings. Only generates alphanumeric characters. |
FOXAlphanumericalStringOfLengthRange | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings within the given range (inclusive). Only generates alphanumeric characters. |
FOXNumericalString | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings. Only generates numeric characters. |
FOXNumericalStringOfLength | NSString * | Generates random fixed length strings. Only generates numeric characters. |
FOXNumericalStringOfLengthRange | NSString * | Generates random variable length strings within the given range (inclusive). Only generates numeric characters. |
FOXSimpleType | id | Generates random simple types. A simple type does not compose with other types. May not be printable. |
FOXPrintableSimpleType | id | Generates random simple types. A simple type does not compose with other types. Ensured to be printable. |
FOXCompositeType | id | Generates random composite types. A composite type composes with the given generator. |
FOXAnyObject | id | Generates random simple or composite types. |
FOXAnyPrintableObject | id | Generates random printable simple or composite types. |
Also, you can compose some computation work on top of data generators. The resulting generator adopts the same shrinking properties as the original generator.
Function | Description |
FOXMap | Applies a block to each generated value. |
FOXBind | Applies a block to the value that the original generator generates. |
FOXResize | Overrides the given generator's size parameter with the specified size. Prevents shrinking. |
FOXOptional | Creates a new generator that has a 25% chance of returning nil instead of the provided generated value. |
FOXFrequency | Dispatches to one of many generators by probability. Takes an array of tuples (2-sized array) - @[@[@probability_uint, generator]] . Shrinking follows whatever generator is returned. |
FOXSized | Encloses the given block to create generator that is dependent on the size hint generators receive when generating values. |
FOXSuchThat | Returns each generated value iff it satisfies the given block. If the filter excludes more than 10 values in a row, the resulting generator assumes it has reached maximum shrinking. |
FOXSuchThatWithMaxTries | Returns each generated value iff it satisfies the given block. If the filter excludes more than the given max tries in a row, the resulting generator assumes it has reached maximum shrinking. |
FOXOneOf | Returns generated values by randomly picking from an array of generators. Shrinking is dependent on the generator chosen. |
FOXForAll | Asserts using the block and a generator and produces test assertion results (FOXPropertyResult). Shrinking tests against smaller values of the given generator. |
FOXForSome | Like FOXForAll, but allows the assertion block to "skip" potentially invalid test cases. |
FOXCommands | Generates arrays of FOXCommands that satisfies a given state machine. |
FOXExecuteCommands | Generates arrays of FOXExecutedCommands that satisfies a given state machine and executed against a subject. Can be passed to FOXExecutedSuccessfully to verify if the subject conforms to the state machine. |