Snowpark CI/CD Template

This repo is a sample project for a stored procedure (that created / depends on a user defined function) which is configured for CI/CD via pytest and GitHub Actions.


  • Snowflake account
  • Python 3.8
  • Git


After creating a copy of the template in your own repo, clone to your local machine and run the following commands:

git clone <github-url>

Then you need to rename the file to and update the values to match your environment.

You will also want to update the settings for your repo and add the following GitHub Actions Secrets:

Name Description
SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT Snowflake account name
SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME Snowflake user name
SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD Snowflake password
SNOWFLAKE_ROLE Snowflake role to execute the GitHub actions
SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE Snowflake warehouse to execute the GitHub actions
SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE Snowflake database to execute the GitHub actions