
TulaLens mobile application on Android, made during IDHack 2014

Primary LanguageHTML


This code contains the Android mobile application for TulaLens, created during IDHack 2014 with Leo Hentschker. It was a finalist for the top project at the hackathon.

Volunteers of TulaLens, while gathering information about mothers in rural parts of India through surveys, often have a difficult time relaying their results back to headquarters, as these areas do not have internet connection. Previously, workers would manually bring their results to headquarters, but this application allows for them to do it electronically, making their jobs easier.

This application is used for the creation and taking of surveys from the mobile device, with results stored on a Parse database. In the case of no internet connection, the application stores survey results on the device that would sync to the database as soon as internet connection was reestablished.

Credited on TulaLens' website: http://www.tulalens.org/team/

See Screenshots and Functionality here: http://imgur.com/a/qbxN0