
🌳 Postcss compiler as a Broccoli filter.

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The broccoli-postcss plugin runs your css through postcss plugins of your choosing.


npm install --save-dev broccoli-postcss


const compileCSS = require('broccoli-postcss')
const outputTree = compileCSS(tree, options)


Due to changes in the plugin API of Postcss V8 some plugins will need to be updated after upgrading Postcss. This should be as simple as updating this package from V5 to V6, however compatibility is not guaranteed.

  • V6 broccoli-postcss -> Postcss V8
  • V5 broccoli-postcss -> Postcss V7


broccoliPostcss(tree, [options])



Type: array

A list of plugin objects to be used by Postcss (a minimum of 1 plugin is required).

There are two supported methods for defining plugins:

  1. Object form

    plugins: [
        module: require('some-plugin'),
        options: { /* options for `some-plugin` */ }
  2. Function form

    plugins: [
      require('some-plugin')({ /* options for `some-plugin` */ })

Note: additional options (defined below) that are merged with the individual plugin options are only supported for plugins defined in "object form".


Type: array

A list of browsers to support. Follows the browserslist format. Will be passed to each plugin and can be overridden using the plugin’s options.


Type: object Default: { inline: false, annotation: false }

An object of options to describe how Postcss should handle source maps.


Type: array Default: []

Array of GlobStrings|RegExps|Functions to describe a whitelist of files to get processed by Postcss.


Type: array Default: []

Array of GlobStrings|RegExps|Functions to describe a blacklist of files to be ignored by Postcss.


/* Brocfile.js */
var compileCSS = require('broccoli-postcss')
var cssnext = require('postcss-cssnext')

var options =  {
  plugins: [
      module: cssnext,
      options: {
          browsers: ['last 2 version']
  map: false,
  include: ['styles/*.css'],
  exclude: ['vendor/bootstrap/**/*']

var outputTree = compileCSS('app/styles', options)
module.exports = outputTree