
Control Jandy iAquaLink pool controller from the commandline

Primary LanguageRuby


  1. clone the git repo
  2. install required gems
bundle install


Build a ~/.credentials/iaqualink.yaml file with contents similar to

ruby ./jandy.rb describe-status --no-log --verbose
:username: 'your username'
:password: 'your password'
:location: 'location of pool, as shown in iAquaLink website'
:serial_number:   'four hyphen-separated triples, like DAR-2VR-A7N-JR2'


Normally, you’ll want to run with the log turned off, and perhaps increased verbosity. The describe-status command shows helpful information about the pool:

ruby ./jandy.rb describe-status --no-log --verbose

Which will yield something similar to the following:

I, [2018-06-30T20:37:59.003455 #26076]  INFO -- : starting
The pool temperature is unknown.
The air temperature is 74 degrees.
The filter pump is off.
The solar panels are off.