Project: AirBnB clone - The console

Console for the AirBnB clone. This repository contains the files for AirBnB clone - the console project.


The console project is the first step towards building the full web application project: The AirBnB clone. The objective of this project is to make our console program. The program is limited to a specific use-case, having the following functionalities:

Create a new object (objects: BaseModel, User, Amenity, City, Place, Review, State)
Retrieve an object from a file, a json file, file.json is used
Do operations on objects (count, show, destroy, all, update)
Update attributes of an object
Destroy an object

How to start it

To start the console execute the '' file, use:


How to use it

To use the console you have to execute it first (check previous tip: how to start it) then in the console (check for the '(hbnb)' prompt) use the following commands:

create  -	Creates a new instance of a class
show    -	Print the string representation of an instance based on the class name
destroy -	Deletes an instance based on the class name and id
all     -	Print all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name
update  -	Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute
help    -	Shows the help entry
quit    -	Exit the console


create <class_name>:

(hbnb) create User

show <class_name>:

(hbnb) show City

destroy <class_name> <object_id>:

(hbnb) destroy Amenity 1234-1234-1234-1234-1234

all <class_name> or all:

(hbnb) all Review
(hbnb) all

update <class_name> <object_id> <attribute_name> "<attribute_value>":

(hbnb) update State 1234-1234-1234-1234-1234 name "Florida"


  • jeffleon
  • SneyderHOL