
Twisted web server and D3 visualization for Drench

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Vis (working title) is a Twisted web server and D3.js visualization that works in conjunction with the Drench BitTorrent client. Each "piece" downloaded is color-coded to identify its seeder and appears in its exact location inside the downloaded file(s). Lastly, clicking a piece discloses both the seeder's IP address and geographic location.


The easiest way to install vis is to simply clone this Git repository. Afterward, entering

$ python vis.py

from the command line will start up the web server, which will listen for connections on two ports by default -- port 8002 (for incoming Drench connections) and port 80 (for incoming browser / client connections).


While multifile torrents work as expected, right now Vis lacks support for single-file torrents. Planned feature additions:

  • make everything responsive, not just list of peers in header
  • add ability to highlight all pieces downloaded from a single seeder