
Worksheet 4: File I/O An application to load information about cars from a file

Primary LanguagePython

July 2022 Computing programming course by Teesside University

Worksheet 4: File I/O

[ASSESSMENT] Question 3: Loading Cars (loading_cars.txt) Write an application to load information about cars from a file and search that information.

  1. Download cars_exercise.txt from Blackboard and open it in Notepad. Notice its structure: a. 3 lines describe one car - line 1 is make, line 2 is model and line 3 is year. b. There is information about 3 cars present in the file.
  2. Now, write a script to load these 3 cars as dictionaries from the file. Each dictionary should have 3 keys: make, model and year.
  3. Now, print out the make, model and year information for the oldest and newest car.