
Worksheet 4: File I/O A Python interactive menu

Primary LanguagePython

July 2022 Computing programming course by Teesside University

[ASSESSMENT] Question 2: Smart Sandwich Menu (smart_sandwich.py) You are tasked with making the interactive menu from the previous question smarter!

  1. Extend your answer to the previous question to not only search for a complete string match but search within each item to see if the ingredient is present.
  2. For example, a search for “Tuna” should return “Tuna Mayo”, “Tuna Sweetcorn” and any other sandwich with tuna in its name.
  3. Make the search ignore uppercase and lowercase letters (read about Python’s case functions lower() and upper() here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/isupper-islower-lower-upper-python-applications/)
  4. See this week’s hint (above) for a pointer on how to achieve this.